Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1, 2013 (Charlottetown, PEI)

Okay I’m going to start with the Questions first! Also I am allowed to email whoever, so post on my facebook that! But doesn’t mean I can promise I will be replying haha to everyone... 
How did you feel about going to PEI?
I feel soooo blessed to be in PEI. EVERYONE, I can vouch, that the Lord is mindful and TRULY knows us ... because I have been placed in a brand new apartment with all mint new furniture new mattress, couch , desk, linens, kitchen wares everything ! Ha-ha So yea the Lord does in fact know me and knows how to ease me into missionary life.  Also Sister Huppe and I opened up the Charlotte Town mission (new area), so we are the first sister missionaries in this mission which means NO area book, nothing, starting from scratch. There have been Elders here serving so our DL(district leader)  Elder Gross and a greeny like me Elder Bodine are here serving in same ward, we have Charlotte town and they have Stratford and Cornwall. But the ward is awesome the members are amazing and are all sooo stoked for sister missionaries. They say they have been waiting and praying for sisters! They will say that right in front of the elders so were just like thank you, but awkward, for the elders haha.  But seriously the members of this ward are built upon such steady strong rm dads. Our Branch council (it’s a ward/branch 200 members 105 active members) but anyway the ward council was honestly like the "cheesy mtc skit" that is shown before we go out, on how ward councils should go, but ours actually does run that way and I feel really blessed to be a part of a ward that’s so eager and willing to partake in missionary efforts of their community. So everyone at home help out in that area of your ward, with referrals don’t be scared to spread the gospel have faith in the gospel and the spirit that it will soften the hearts and bless the lives of your friend. And don’t let me forget to mention that the Sunday after general conference we have stake conference and a general authority will be there and oh yes let me not forgot to say it will be ELDER JEFFREY HOLLAND yea ! I can’t wait, I will get to meet him with my tag on and all!
Accommodations are you in your own place or do you live with members?
We are in an apartment address is: 515 Queen's St. Apartment 25. Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 8B3
Is your coat warm enough? (I know silly, just curious)
Yes my coat is warm enough, I was worried and if I would have gone to Newfoundland where it’s still snowing lots ... info for Blake and Linds, I would of been screwed but it’s like spring weather here already!
Where did Sister Keeler go?
Sister keeler is out in no man’s land of Newfoundland in Bayroberts so Blake and Linds you should def try to find her, she would love to meet you! And also my President Leavitt would like to meet you!
Are you serving in a ward or branch? I think ward.
Has there been much missionary work happening in the area?
Yes, there are people who could care less about hearing about the Gospel.  But the area I’m serving is an up and coming place, lots of success lately and I have a crazy story to tell you guys already that happened my 2nd day out!
How is your trainer, Sister Huppe?
She is from Seattle and I’m her last transfer before she goes home in 6 weeks, she served with Alana Winters cousin. We are way different she’s really quiet and has the typical sister missionary approaches of things, but I feel it’s a good thing. Are differences balance each other out nicely and I am able to learn a lot from her cause she knows her stuff hands down! She has great things to say, and I like to be more real and personal with the investigator or ppl we teach.  I make an effort to really make it personal to them. Each day we’re getting closer and closer together like now we talk about things other than just gospel stuff and we laugh now haha, but I can tell she’s great and we were put together for a reason.  For me to learn from her and her to learn as well and to absolutely kill it for her last transfer and my first one. She talks to absolutely everyone we come across, which for me at first was an adjustment to get myself out of the comfort zone. But truly have had testimony builders and now I’m just eager and willing to share my testimony to everyone we come across.  It was way scary at first though. Important thing is to be bold and confident.
What day is your P-day, assuming Monday?
Did you get my package? Not much, just a few treats!
YES! I loved it you’re the best mom love you, and I have the lil Easter thing hanging on our door.
Do you walk or have a car?
Walking right now, it sucks but we manage.  We are going to ask for bikes and the elders have helped us get around a little.  

Okay so here is for the really cool experience sister Huppe and I had.
We were calling la's (less actives) on the ward list and we had it in our favor since were both new so we would say were new to the area wanting to get to know everyone in the ward asking if we could stop by which lead to us getting some appointments with less actives.  So doing that for a while, we were calling la named Susan but it went to a man named Larry and we realized that it was the wrong number, but instead of hanging up we continued talking to him (phone on speaker) explaining who we are, asking him what his beliefs are if he believes in God etc, so we found out Larry reads the Bible everyday he’s been here for two years taking business at the university and he is from Nigeria so we told him the message we have and if we could come by and share it with him.  Larry was like well I don’t have time right now, could we do it over the phone.  Sister Huppe and I just looked at each other in shock and are like ummm yea!  So we ended up teaching him the whole first lesson, on the Restoration.  I pulled out the Bible and we read from Ephesians 4:5 with him and James 1 :5, then we read parts from Joseph Smith history with him all over the phone. Then we ask him how he's feeling, we explain to him that this is the Spirit - the Spirit was so strong like goose bumps all over my body I’m saying! So we pray with him over the phone, and he was like I know this is true, so we ask him to come to church and he was like well I already go to church why does it matter if it’s yours. So we explained how the spirit was speaking truth to him, the importance of our church (not that his church is wrong) it’s just that ours has the authority from God through the priesthood etc, so we then asked how about next week you come to church? And Larry was just like no I’ll just come this Sunday! (This was about hour phone convo) And then we asked him to read the BOM and he said yes gave us his address, so we dropped off the BOM at Larry's house that day which highlighted parts for him to read.  We left it in a envelope in the mailbox b/c he has roommates and he didn’t want them getting into it, so this was on Friday. Then on Sunday we arrive at church and who do we see there a young black guy whose like 21, who is sitting waiting for sacrament to start, and Brother Biggly already fellowshipping him so awesome! So we go introduce ourselves and it is infact Larry! Larry ended up staying for all 3 meetings; he said he felt good the whole time.  Sis Huppe and I were nervous because of course lessons were on priesthood only being male authority for sunday school and tithing and budgeting for priesthood. But Larry stayed the whole time, after we talked with him, he said he has started the BOM and we talked about how the lord is mindful of him and how it wasn’t a fluke we accidently called him.  It was heavenly father preparing him and he was aware this is what he needs and wants him to have.  Larry is aware of that and said it feels really good to know that God looks out for us. We are meeting with him on Friday again, and he said he will come back to church next Sunday!
That right there just showed me the importance of talking to everyone! Sister Huppe was the one that chose to not hang up when we found out Larry wasn’t Susan.  I’m soo happy she didn’t because Larry wouldn’t of been able to know of the blessings that are in store for him. So after that I was just like WOW okay ill talk to anyone and everyone under the sun!

So the first night we arrived we had been up since 3 am (MTC).  President Leavitt is hilarious and I love him, I feel so comfortable being myself and speaking with him. Our interview went awesome which ended at 2 am might I add, so Wednesdays the next day we all got up at 630am, went to the temple and he allowed us to have a nap after breakfast before the temple cause we had 3 hrs of sleep! We also arrived an hour later than expected into Halifax,  so ya called for long day

I was so exhausted first week here- still am but each day more and more awake.  It took awhile to get use to waking up 3 hrs earlier because of time here, but as a missionary you literally have no time, I have learnt that planning is KEY and takes long, and by the time I rest my head on the pillow I literally pass out! I have also learnt that being obedient and doing all that is asked of you is not enough it’s about completely submitting my mind and heart to the will of the Lord is how to find happiness, enjoyment, and success as a missionary. I have figured that out this week and it has made serving the biggest blessing of my life and I love it.  I’m so happy I chose to serve a mission its hard work but the most rewarding work. I try my hardest to have my mind in complete harmony as the Savior would so the work is easy and have faith that I can do it without getting caught up in my own inward thoughts. I feel so blessed I love this gospel so much and everyday feel like I’m in a dream.  The happiness I have is incomparable to where I was a year ago and this is all only possible because of the atonement. The atonement is a wonderful blessing that I am soooo grateful for, because of Christ fulfilling his plan it has made things possible for myself to fulfill my plan that my Heavenly Father has sent me to do. I love you all sooo so so very much Thanks for sending the pictures of the cuties dad! And I pray for you guys every day. I love hearing from you!
Love sister Pizzey! xoxox

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