Monday, April 29, 2013

Pics - April 29, 2013

Paige with Sis Sanberg & Sis Thompson, they were in the MTC together. Sis Sanderg is in St john Nova Scotia.
 Elder Walker is to my left, and the photo made us all look extremely wide!!  Elder Walker is the speaker for the next CES broadcast May 5!
Love our green bikes!  With investigator.

April 29, 2013

Are you getting a few emails each week from people?
Yep each week I open up to 16 emails or so ...

How does the cooking go?  Is sister Huppe a cook?
We have had about 5 meals since we have been here.... and we don’t really cook food. We have pasta, cereal, fanciest thing I will cook is toasted sandwich with egg, ham, cheese and tomatoes or subway... lol and sorry I have spent on debt this week! Money was tight this month with coming in new apt so much food to buy, like condiments, etc!

Do your days still go by fast? Do you have any trouble going to bed at 10:30?
Days go by sooo fast when you’re busy in the work with your heart and mind in will with Christ's will .  I will like eat, sleep, breathe and think of my investigators and finding ideas and what and who next we need to call etc!  So much to do, the important thing is having a plan to achieve all your goals and a busy missionary is a happy missionary.  And as soon as I lay my head on that pillow at night I’m out! haha.

So this week was good! A hard one! On Tuesday we had exchanges and (sister – from Paige’s mtc district) came to Charlottetown to serve with me for 24hrs.  Keep in mind this sister was in my MTC district ! haha yea so us two greeny’s serving and I’m acting as senior companion. yea it was scary! We had a lesson with (investigator) and well let’s just say we learned a lot that lesson! ha-ha It didn't go the smoothest it was really hard.  But we knocked on doors and did a lot of street contacting, found a new investigator, and few potentials!  (Sister)  is really timid at people’s doors, so I would have to really take over and direct the ship! So it was a big rely on the Spirit day and really awesome because we learnt a lot.

We are planning lots with YSA right now and we have an activity this Thursday night.  It’s going to be the night for "ysa fhe".  We are having a breakfast for dinner at the church and a speaker and spiritual though on "arise and shine forth". It’ll be awesome!  And a great activity to invite the people we are teaching. We are really working on as many unique finding ideas as possible instead of the usual knocking and street contacting.  We still will be doing those but we are going to start a English class!  We have a lot of foreigners that will come, we are also going to volunteer to cut hair at old folks home, and with the ward we are going to have 5 firesides within 6 months.  Each fireside is on each of the lessons in PMG chap 3 so one is Restoration, the Plan of salvation so on. So it will be a great opportunity to prepare future missionaries in the ward with teaching it and also opportunity to invite everyone we meet.  We are planning 3 activities; one carnival in June, then a night of Christ in July potentially with on the missionaries on PEI and then at the end of summer a BBQ in July with church tours for all of them.

So we had a mission tour this past week! And a zone conference all day Friday. (My zone leader’s sister is that girl that was Dan England’s date for Blake’s wedding!) He is awesome Elder Zoserwoambee some crazy last name that I don’t know how to spell.  But Elder Walker of the seventy was here! And he was an amazing person to learn from, from the hrs of 8:30 am-4pm Friday in Moncton. He is in charge of the temples; he actually was just at the Edmonton temple and spoke with temple Pres Card he told me. He had sooo many cool stories and works hand in hand with Elder Bednar, past prophet Hinckley, all the apostles and presidency so it was awesome!  I feel so blessed to be in this mission like seriously, it’s the best mission out there and I’m not bias. All the missionaries are all so devoted to the work and helping everyone complete are goals and help souls come unto Christ. I love all the missionaries we serve with. And President Leavitt is seriously an inspiring man, he is the best!  He is such an example of how friending people, building relationships are really quite easy and sharing the gospel with that comes quite easy after that.  I honestly can see him as a general authority some day.  I feel so honored and blessed to have been placed here, and I can tell Heavenly Father really does know me because all the people I serve with are just so awesome and people I really respect and learn a ton from.

(Investigator) was quite stubborn this week about WOW, but she came to church yesterday, and she loves us, I feel it just has to be on her own time, and you can really tell the wheels are turning.   We got 3 new investigators yesterday! And 6 new ones this week!  One is a mother who is a former member and her daughter who is 14, I truly feel (daughter) has been prepared for us and she needs the gospel. Her mother is awesome and nice, but you can tell things in her life need to be sorted out.  (Daughter) is a gorgeous girl who doesn’t believe in god.  It’s really sad you can tell she has so much stress and sadness in her life, I mean she needs the gospel, it will change her life!  She agreed to read the BOM and pray every day and have us txt her every night to remind her!  We have like 3 investigators we are texting that to right now.  I love being a missionary because you see everyone in the eyes of Christ and their worth and where and who they can be.  I love seeing others this way and loving them and doing everything in my power with the spirit prompting me to help them to become who they can be.  Last night (mother) texted us asking us to pray for (her daughter) as she was having a rough night and suffers from depression. It’s really sad.  Sis Huppe and I feel like something really wrong has happened in her life that she’s holding in.  Never have I seen a 14 yr old with the biggest bags and just looking so run down and deeply saddened and stressed. She has opened up when we are speaking to her alone.  So we will see what happens this week but I know that her reading the BOM with help her with whatever she is dealing with.
Driving home from Moncton (sister) was crying because she is having a hard time adjusting to mission life, and we all were helping her. Sis Davis and Sis Huppe were saying how it took them 3-6 months to get in the swing of things to fully enjoy the work. And how at the beginning they wished they broke arm to go home! I was in shock. I couldn’t imagine feeling that way, which would call for the longest 3-6 months of your life! I feel for her.  So I gave her the 4th missionary talk and bore my testimony on how when your heart and mind is in Christ will it will change your mission etc.  I just feel so grateful and blessed that I don’t feel that way; I mean I feel guilty when I think of home during the week other than on preparation day haha to the point where I have removed our family photo off my desk! haha. Sorry fam; family picture has retired to the suit case from now on ;)

I love being on a mission I mean I know this has already changed my life and I love it because it’s changing me as a person as well, I’m learning patience and faith that can’t be moved even when times are hard.  I’m fully submitting myself to the Lord so the spirit of God can run right through me as I teach.  It’s an amazing experience and I love serving people and loving them and fully caring for their needs and not my own.  It is truly the most happiest and rewarding work.  I find I’m already so less not consumed about my appearance, myself, all the worldly needs of happiness. And I’m experiencing a happiness that is fully different from any happiness of the world.  Every long hill we bike on as the wind is smacking us in the face, as my toes are numb and I can’t feel them while I’m walking, I’m happy, it’s weird. haha. I love it though! Every hard work is enjoyable.  I learn to smile everywhere!  Like legit ride my bike with a smile showing all my teeth and it changes your day, I love smiling at every single person I see and just sincerely meaning it and saying hi and bringing happiness to everyone days. I mean when you are biking up a hill, toes freezing, balancing a body weight (shoulder bag) against the wind and you have a big smile on your face you can’t help but to love it all and laugh.  I recommend trying it to everyone just a big teeth smile throughout your whole day and you will see the change it makes!  We are really growing close with everyone in the ward, and loving them all so much I love our ward!  They all love us and when they see us bike to church they just love us even more for that and make fun of the elders for driving to church while we bike haha its awesome.
Anyway I love you all so much! I only have like an hour today to write, Montague sisters are coming here for the day, we are going to go eat together, then go to the hair distributor so sisters can get products discounted! It will be a fun day!
I love hearing about Sundays and Avery being the ring leader!  And how all is well! I keep all you in my prayers! And just saw Kamry’s email.  If I don’t reply this week its cause I have no time but I promise I will next week!!
Love Sister Pizzey xoxox!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pics - April 22, 2013

Love this!  Couldn't be a better name for apartment building!

Sweet Sister Missionaries, Paige and her companion, Sister Huppe!

Pics - April 22, 2013

 Elder Prince and Sister Pizzey.  Elder Prince is a friend from Edmonton.

Yao, is from China.  She is a recent convert, that they are teaching.

Sister Pizzey and Sister Huppe helping the Elders move on a P-day.
An young lady investigating the church.

Pics - April 15, 2013

Paige's apartment!  Very neat and very organized!

Using sticky notes, organization at it's best!

April 22, 2013

OHHH MY GOODNESS this week! More like yesterday! I don’t know what I did to be able to be sooo blessed to experience yesterday ... oh my goodness my heart pounds and flutters with excitement just thinking about yesterday, like wow. It was an experience I will truly remember for the rest of my life, my existence I hope.
I will take care of items of business first before I get started. ONE Penny!! Sooo cute and I couldn’t be more excited for the Low's! TWO mom and dad man oh man do I EVER have good looking parents like man I’m proud of you two looking good these days, like looking shnazzy you two. Also I don’t know what goes on with me once Sister Huppe is gone .... I try not to think about it kind of gets me nervous: /. Ah this is so exciting! I can’t wait to meet Penny :)!! Give her one big hug and kiss for me.
Okay wow where to I begin.
One EVERYONE at home this is the true and only restored Gospel on the Earth. Humble yourselves read the Book of Mormon strengthen yourselves or begin your conversion in this amazing Gospel of Jesus Christ that Heavenly Father wants you to become a part. I know what life is like outside of the Gospel and its nothing compared to life in the Gospel. God invites all his Children to become a part of his church, he loves us and wants us to know how to find eternal happiness in this life and this life to come so we can return to live with him, as we once were living with him before this life.
Well that’s some the fire I have inside of me from meeting Elder Holland (church leader, quorum of the 12) and shaking his hand. I truly know that Elder Holland is called of God; he is an Apostle, prophet and seer of God. There is not a question in my mind that he isn’t. His presence just brings the spirit, enough to fill a whole room! Enough to fill your whole body from just seeing him in person, shaking his hand its un believable and something I will hold dear to me for the rest of my life.  Words can’t explain it. But everyone who’s met an Apostle of God knows that God calls Apostles and Prophets on the Earth to direct and guide us in a World that is ever so changing in standards. And the only way this is all possible is through the priesthood authority.  So Saturday at 7:30pm Sister Huppe, myself, Sister Davis and Sister Thompson all left from Charlottetown to Muncton to stay the night; we stayed at Elder and Sister Calls place a senior couple that were staying in Fredericton that night. Then at 5:50 am we got picked up in the transfer van, our ZL Elder Zozerboymbe (some crazy last name) he’s from Calgary drove us and 13 elders and sisters in the van! So there were four sisters and the rest elders and we drove to Fredericton. Conference started at 9 am so there were two zones of sisters and elders so 8 sisters total and then probably 40 elders or so. Elder Prince was there! And Elder Willouwby? Like Kelsey Willouwby from our ward years ago, he actually put two and two together. We all had to sit in the Primary room for the first session. So All us Elders and Sisters are sitting in the primary room 10 mins before it all starts.  Sis Huppe and I are the first two chairs to the right of the door so I'm second to the door and guess who pops there head in the door before entering the chapel!! That’s right Elder Holland! And he says “The church all true in this room!" ... "Elders...." and then I pop my head over he looks at Sister Huppe and I and then says "...and Sisters".  Then he said again, "Everyone knows the church is true in here" and we all are like "YES!" and then he shook his head smacked the inside of the door and said "good!" and walked away.  Like oh my goodness!!!! So they continued to have conference and Wow that was amazing.  We had 3 speakers from the stake then, President Leavitt spoke, Elder Neilson (of the seventy) and then Elder Holland. Just seeing from each calling ascending up to Holland was so cool I mean the Stake President is a pretty great guy and knows everything but you could even tell the difference from each calling as it got more and more important and authorized to Elder Holland.  President Leavitt, I honestly feel like I have the best President in the world.  I don’t know how I am so blessed to have him as my President.  He did an amazing talking on how simply you talk and open your mouths to everyone by passing along cards and not having a written recitation of the gospel, you just simply talk with everyone, laugh and get to know them.  He did an amazing job had everyone laughing, Elder Holland was cracking up in the back, it was soo cool. I mean Pres Leavitt is hilarious. It was cool to see that they are normal people meaning Elder Neilson and Elder Holland but that they are just such Disciples of Christ! Elder Neilson then spoke, and he was a professional NFL player and he talked about an analogy from his professional sports career and him playing in a game and tied it into the gospel.
Then Elder Holland talked about how the Adversary can’t kill, he can persuade people to kill but he himself cannot kill. He did not kill Joseph Smith because he couldn't and because the Adversary could not kill him he bound Joseph Smiths tongue. And that’s where the adversary works the most and by binding our tongues. Don’t let the adversary succeed! He also stated, Want to be perfect? One way to start is to start to control your tongue, watch what your talk about, the way your talk, a tongue can be cruel. I felt this could be applied so many ways in our lives, don’t allow the adversary to bind your tongue in speaking to everyone about the gospel.  Don’t hold back, don’t ignore promptings from the Spirit with anything but in this instance with sharing the gospel and speaking up or simply sharing experiences in church meetings because if you do that’s the adversary binding your tongue. Or it could be taken as be of good cheer, speak positively, and not of harsh mean negative things don’t gossip.  He also said when you join the church you get a lot more than what your bargained for; which is true!  He spoke on John 9, Acts 3.  He also spoke on what Elder Neilson mentioned whenever we feel the pressure in life like we can’t handle it or too much on our plate the first thing they as Apostles do-well Elder Holland and Elder Neilson as a general authority is go to the temple and pray. Feeling pressure head to the temple! And how we as missionaries (not meaning the missionaries with tags on, everyone!) should feel success is by just simply opening our mouths and sharing.
After the morning session which ended at 11, there was a youth and missionary session! So it  was mainly Elder Holland talking to the youth. They didn’t have much time but he said that many times that NO ONE was affected by his mission more than he was.  So I’m using that as motivation to make my mission affect me as his did ;). haha. But he was laying the law down to the youth and us missionaries!  Telling them to be humble and teachable, commandments highway and byway to happiness, we are the future of the church and that we have to start now if we want to know what Elder Holland knows, and that everything every meeting etc isn’t for him and his generation it’s for us!  And he said from ages 12-22 are crucial years and to give the Lord those 10 years. He said how his mission was the hardest work he has ever done, but the best!  He said have good friends they are the people you start to date.  Temple is halfway to heaven.  And how "God loves young people; he trusted a 14 year old boy to restore his gospel for peat sakes!" (something along those lines haha ) It truly was amazing and he is a hilarious man, I mean I wish I could re enact the way he was talking at the youth meeting.  He was flaying his arms around acting like a bratty 17 yr old it was funny, when I talk to you guys in couple weeks I will do it for you. This truly was something that was a blessing from God for everyone in the stake and us missionaries. It was amazing. No other words can explain it.  So after all the missionaries went through and shook Elder Holland’s hand and Elder Nielsen’s hands, then the youth went through.
So after the meeting, Sister Huppe and I were in the chapel with a man talking about his conversion story, all the missionaries were waiting for us in the transfer van, and Elder Holland walks in the chapel with Elder Nielson and looks at me and says "How are you?!" and I’m just like "GOOD HOW ARE YOU?!" and he was like good thanks! and walks away and then Elder Nielson shook mine and Sis Huppe’s hand again and said "continue sharing the gospel" with the nicest smiles and love on their faces. Then we go in the district van and I’m just like " Sorry elders and sisters that were late we were just busy chatting with Elder Holland! " haha it was awesome.
I was on a cloud I still am on a cloud!
So we started meeting with few more Las (less actives) this week; a family and another 19 yr old girl who actually just had a baby and it died after two weeks.  That gave her the drive to come back to church, it’s an amazing story but I don’t have much time to explain.  (Name, investigator) we taught WOW and she accepts it all except a freaking French vanilla!  Like really! So she is having a hard time believing that, so we are working with her praying she will have faith and she’s praying and asking God if Word of Wisdom is what he wants her to follow. Larry we are continuing to teach he said he knows the book is true but hasn’t received definite answer from God yet. We got one new investigator this week. We have a lot on the go with teaching a lot of people and a lot of potentials that we have yet to meet with!  We taught a former investigator this week named Jared and wow that was hard, he is a really smart man who has read BOM in 3 days, D&C, pearl of great price, had read ever other bible in the world and is an atheist...It was tough and we should have left sooner. He was a really nice guy, but man he was just getting enjoyment out of trying to make us feel like we been deceived.  I definitely realized how strong my testimony is because, well it sort of had to in that situation. He just has zero faith basically and feels really strongly about how he views things. And I mean anyone reading the bible BOM etc. with the purpose of trying to prove the book wrong.  We should of left sooner I mean nothing bad happened but you can’t help but have some of the things in your head from that, but nothing to be worried about mom! And Elder Holland shook all that nonsense away for us!
We really made an effort to be exactly obedient this week, to the point where we start our companionship prayer at 7:50 am so we can begin our studies right at 8 am!
That’s all I got for this week! I mean I think I wrote a lot I hope I explain things well enough and that they make sense and arent too weird ! haha. I love you all so much! It was really nice seeing Elder Prince this week a face you recognize and we talked quite a bit!  I love you all!!
Sis Pizzey

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 15, 2013

Serious the Week goes go by so fast! I feel the same way Mom, I write a letter, then bam its Saturday and I’m like whoa time fly’s!
So yes I was able to see Nakita Monday! Elder Gross and I played against her and Elder Bodine and Sister Huppe wrote letters on the side of the court!  It was really fun.  And yes we have been trying to contact ....(girl from Nakita’s team) the first week we were here but we weren’t able to, so I was so stoked when we found out Nakita knew her.  So I called her and started the convo being like you know Nakita?! Haha We have met and taught her.  It went really well, I shared with her about my reactivation.  She’s unsure right now about things, but she has agreed to let us teach her every week, since I told her I need the practice.  I have faith that she will come back so I’m really excited!
And yes Maryjane that is Sis Hatch's friend, we met her yesterday! She’s awesome, she’s the relief society president. That whole family the MacEacherns ah!  Are just so wonderful like (bball girl teaching) and Maryjanes mom, Mary, is basically our mother here.  We are going to her house every Monday to do our laundry because it’s like $4 to wash and dry our clothes a load in our apartment!  Another couple in our ward the Steen’s! O the Steen’s I love them sooo much!  We told them they are our grandma and grandpa in PEI.  Like seriously Bro Steen is from Boston, he has the Boston accent he is hilarious and Sis Steen is so kind and loving.  We are going over to the Steen’s tonight with our investigator (investigator) for FHE and things with (investigator) are going well! We are working towards Baptism on May 4th.  She has been receiving the answers to her questions. She said she did know now because an overwhelming feeling of happiness came upon her as she prayed and listened.  We were like yes! That is the Holy Ghost and that is your answer. So things are going well. Faith is what it takes – “we need to know people can change. We need to see men not in the present, but as they can become.” Yes mom you are right that is what gives us the ability to see the potential in everyone. With people I will picture them in the temple or all in white while I’m teaching them so that I know and have faith that they are capable of that through the help of Jesus Christ.

President and Sister Leavett came to see us this week! I just love them so much. They brought us bikes!!! They are green matching bikes with baskets in the front, so cute! I love riding bikes so fun! And for some reason on a bike compared to walking I will say hi to anyone and everyone way more.  Before walking I’d say hi to people or I would walk past.  But now I will yell hello to someone walking on the other side of the street in the opposite direction! It is really fun and I love it!  So this week scripture that has opened my eyes is D&C 60:2-3.  Now this scripture I love, it really helps me realize the importance of not shying or cowering away, out of fear of mans (peoples) opinion. I realized we all have been given talents and we should not hide them, we are given them for a reason. So when I read this I stopped being timid or afraid and I was proud to go door to door and knock on those doors and be excited to use my talent of talking to people and my talent of knowing this gospel is true and that through the grace of Jesus Christ we can be saved and this is how! And how FAITH is the key to everything! I mean I thought I had an understanding of faith before my mission, but not at all! I mean you have to have faith that when a person is looking at you like you’re carrying a disease (in some cases) on their doorstep; that as you speak from the spirit they will feel the spirit and I can have faith their hearts can be softened.  I need faith that as I’m teaching that I can make sense, faith that as we are teaching people that the spirit can teach them and they will have a desire to change that they will come to know that there is no amount of happiness compared to the happiness received in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

So (investigator)! Update on him! His date for Baptism May 26 - two days after his court date! He met with Pres Leavitt and he said he thinks things will work out for him so that is good! We have been continuing to teach him.  We are teaching him the WOW tomorrow (word of wisdom). And yes I’m little nervous about this but he knows our church is true. And I have faith in the spirit that he will also come to know that drinking etc. what most 20 yr olds partake of outside of WOW is temporal happiness.  We are also teaching (investigator) the WOW.  We are teaching lots of people we got 5 new investigators this week! We currently have 4 progressing investigators.  One sister is leaving to China for a month and another Chinese girl who is very excited about the gospel is leaving this week home to China for the summer.  We will teach her wed. then we will see her in August!  (Investigator) is another guy from Africa; he has two kids an 8 yr old boy and 4 yr old girl. The mom isn’t really in the picture. He knows ALOT about religion, at first we thought he was going to Bible bash; we met him at a bus stop. But we met with him last night and we are seeing him tonight at 8.

And yes I did go on exchanges, there are two companionships on PEI of sisters, so I went to Montague (45min-hr drive) and I was with Sister Davis.  She is a really sweet girl she goes home in August. I realized that my many prayers about my trainer were in fact answered, because I didn’t realize how much I have learned from her.  My trainer Sister Huppe is the DL for the sisters.  I forget the name, main trainer? 

And Holland is not till this weekend. We drive to Montague sat night then stay at an apartment there with the Montague sisters then all missionaries will go to Fredericktown for stake conference to see Holland! I can’t wait! I should see Elder Prince there as well!
I am starting A mission binder, I have dividers for each section for  chap 3 ... so 5 dividers, then I have sections in the dividers for each points, and I’m going to put all my notes in the organized section with scriptures that go along for the topics and yea ! I’m excited I feel it will help me understand things and study better because well you all know studying is not my cup of tea! Also Sister Huppe and I made sticky note wall for finding ideas, service ideas, potentials, investigators it’s pretty legit! I took a picture I will send it to you guys.  Don’t judge our desks though they weren’t the cleanest this morning! And then this week we are making an 8ft by 8ft map of Charlottetown on our wall in the office, we are going to highlight all the streets we have knocked on, put color organized dots for the formers in each area, potentials, investigators, LAs etc.  So ya basically the sweetest map every to make our missionary work and planning more effective so we can visually see and find the elect who are prepared!! BAM! I can’t wait!

We are also working with the 15’ish YSA here and getting activities going.  They have nothing and the people we are teaching; 1) needs activities to attend other than church to meet members and 2) some of the people we teach already want to go to them! So yea I gave them the idea of calling an fhe mom and dad from the ysa.  I think they will be doing that, then were going to have an activity every 2 weeks.   We will go from there and hopefully progress to more. I really didn’t realize how amazing the YSA in Edmonton is till now. I mean I am soooo blessed to have such an amazing ysa at home and the amount of members and activities.  I had totally taken it all for granted.

We also are going to be starting an English class for free; someone in the ward will be the teacher.  This way the foreigners, which are a ton, who can’t speak English will go and also opens up more missionary opportunities! So we will be getting that going in next couple of weeks. We have a rc(recent convert) whose from China here, we had a potential who is named Bob he is from China and he doesn’t speak any English so Saturday we took Yao and taught him and then she spoke to him for us, it was really cool! I mean we didn’t understand anything he was saying at all or what she was saying but it was so cool because we could really feel the spirit. I don’t think he was entirely interested but the spirit was still strong and he is coming to our English class so yea PLANTING SEEDS!  The Vietnamese family dropped us yesterday :( it was weird like closest thing I had to a breakup in like a year! It ended in them telling us "they will call if they need us”.....It was sad but I have faith the Lord is preparing us for something! And I’m not going to allow Satan to get me down.

This week I was reading 2 Nephi 9-21, and it’s the Isaiah part. Usually I just read these parts to read because it’s so confusing, but I really prayed to have the spirit help me to understand. Also when I started reading the BOM this time I did what Blake did at the start of his mission highlight every time Christ is spoken about, which is ALOT.  I find I understand it so much better and way differently than I ever have! I would suggest all you to try it! When I read 2 Nephi 9-21 it was really cool because I feel it applies SO much to this time we are in now. 2 Nephi 13: 16 READ IT. I love it and I’m so grateful for miracles and how the atonement can truly change someone, because it sure has changed me! Not only using the atonement for repentance but allows us to reach fullest potential.  I’m not saying I’m there yet, a work in progress, becoming who God wants us to be. But anyway reading those chapters really helped me when we come across people who are hard hearted at the doors or on the street; it really kind of opened my eyes.  These scriptures truly apply to this day and age.

Is Kamry ready to pop? When is she having the baby?! This week? Anyway I’m happy to hear Millie went to a good family not really sure about her new name though.  So cool dads knew calling!! Mom does that mean you will be going to YSA?!  And Blake and Linds you get to go to New York!!! What! So crazy! And see the sacred Grove I’m very jealous and excited for you guys! Hope all is well for the Hirsche’s, Heavenor’s and Low’s.
Love you ALL soooo MUCH!!!!!
xoxo Sister Pizzey

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8 - email

Things are Waaaayy different over here, houses are teeny tiny like fort Edmonton park houses, legit looks like that!  Definitely poorer side of Canada but people are more humble and just willing to talk also. Definitely helps me to realize what’s important and feel really grateful as well, for all I have. Serious ... Kerry’s cabin at the lake is like a big house compared to the houses here. Most people live in apartments etc. Definitely way different, but really cool to see!

Did you have a Easter dinner somewhere?
Yes, us and the Elders ate a lady in the ward haha she’s funny but crazy; she loves us though, called us yesterday just to see how we were doing.
Do you have dinner apts each night with ward members?
No we haven’t, we’ve have had 4 dinner apps but the ward really, is loving.  They gave us sooo much food this weekend at conference at the church, because we watched it at the church. We will get more dinner apps as the calendar gets time to move around in church this week.
Have you bought new shoes? Are you sending the brown shoes home? Maybe you should get some funky rubber boots.
No I haven’t I have been wearing my boots every day, I might buy some new shoes since I will be sending my shoes back, maybe? There’s a shoes fixer in Superstore which is right by our apartment so I’m going to ask what they can do, if they can’t I’ll send them home and get other shoes sometime ... if I ever have time!!
Do you want any cd’s of blakes sent? And is there anything you need sent from here?
We only listen to the Mormon tabernacle, anything by them, So I’m going to send my iPod home and if you guys could please take all the music off and update it with some EPIC amazing Motab music! Thanks!!!
Have you started any of your exercise programs?
Yes each week we have a scale out of 32, we rate ourselves on; wake up on time, study on time, work out 6 days so we have to report so I do it, I did 5 times last week . I want to start running and eating healthier!
Okay WOW this week went by soooo fast! It has been an awesome one. We have truly seen the Lord lead us to people that are ready for the Gospel and something I feel so blessed to have the Lord Trust me to be a part of.  I loved conference this weekend, we watched it in the Church where members came and watched.  We had 3 investigators watching conference at church yesterday (originally was going to be 7) but a family from Vietnam, that we met, couldn’t come cause their son Min whose the only one that can speak English real well was sick. I felt so honored and blessed ecstatic to be a part of this work of missionaries! I love being a missionary! Everyone in our ward has such amazing families built so strong on the principles of the gospel.   Watching them all sit together during conference, you can just feel the spirit that they all carry inn their homes and in their lives. I experienced my first bit of trunkyness (missing home) (NOTHING to worry about) haha Just watching them during conference and knowing you guys were all in the theatre room at the same time watching conference made me think of you all! But then I put my heart and mind in the lords will and realized I am here spending time away from my amazing family that’s sealed for eternity so others can have the blessing that the gospel principles brings to a home and family! It’s crazy, for the Saturday and Sunday morn session its 1pm-3pm here then 5-7 such a time change! Dad the Beds look awesome! And Mille well give her a hug and kiss goodbye for me! I had sooo many emails this morning 14! From Brynn, Mikyla, Taren to Brad Jones? And others! So I’m going to be very busy but don’t worry this was my priority after my letter to President Leavitt.
Alright so the week! We have been teaching a girl named whose 21 we got her on baptismal date for May 4th! I gave the invitation and it was the coolest thing ever!!!!She came to conference and got goose bumps from the choirs. So were going to try to teach her 2-3 times this week and she’s really excited, she understands the holy ghost and how baptism and following commandments will help her to have the constant companionship of the Holy ghost her whole life. It’s really cool, her best friend is less active(la) we have been teaching her too.  I truly feel like I was meant to meet these two.  The less active girl is 21 and has a two yr old and her other son past away last October.  She has a really hard life but we are going to do what we can to help her turn to the lord through all her troubles and rely on him. We are basically teaching them both everything as (best friend) was baptized at 10 but never was active or understands the gospel. But there other friend Kyle is meeting with the elders as well so they all are cleaning their lives up!
So Larry oh man larry such an awesome guy! Man missionary work can be so hard I stress about him sooo much!! And you will see why. So we have been teaching him this week, he knows this gospel is true he completes all our reading assignments, he comes to church, and we have him on date for baptism April 27th! He even wants to be baptized earlier. He completely understands the gospel, and he’s kind of like me he wants to get it all at once but he needs patience to understand that our message and understanding comes with time.  We found out he has some things in his personal life he needs to deal with  So Sis huppe and I are just praying our for him that things will work out. But he told us that the day we called he was praying to god asking god if gods still in his life (because of the situation he’s in that he can’t talk about) and then while he was praying RING we called- he picked up the phone and there we were! haha so crazy! And he said the only reason why he listened was because he was praying. I mean he can’t help but to realize that well THE GOSPEL IS TRUE EVERY ALLEIJUAH haha.  So President Leavitt is coming up tomorrow and is going to interview him and well we will go from there.
So sis Huppe and I, when we knock on doors we plan the night before where we are going to knock, we start with prayer then we choose 10 streets together  Then on our own we select 3-5 streets and whichever ones that are the same we go and knock. So it’s truly a knocking on streets from God! And as we do this we get lead into the arms of people that are ready! Whether it be a street contact on the way to the street or at one of the houses. So we have a lot of potentials who we are hoping will turn into investigators.  So we came across this one family from Vietnam, they are soooo kind! They welcomed us in and the son and daughter whose 21 and 16 can speak English.  We teach them, and then they teach their parents in their language. So first time we were teaching them in the living room they were really receptive, but when he would translate it to his dad it, appeared to us his dad didn’t like it.  So the whole time me and Sis Huppe are praying our hearts out! But at the end of the lesson Min was like my dad wants you two to come over for dinner Monday night for Vietnamese food and wants to learn more! So we’re going back tonight to teach the restoration, and show them the DVD in their language and we ordered BOMs in there language etc! They are totally ready to just me taught.
And another guy, we knock on his door from the Philippians and he’s like YES I want you guys to teach me and all my roommates.  He said his cousin just became mormon at home and he wants to learn all about our church. He came here 4 months ago as well from the Philippians, his family is still there.  McDonalds’ brought him over to be a manager, he’s trying to get his family over! He is so loving, humble and excited to learn. Him and his roommates schedules are very busy, you can tell they work like dogs to be able to get there families over, but we will be teaching them all hopefully sometime this week if not next week.
We have run into many other people and we talk to EVERYONE haha I love it, just spreading the word. Studying I was lil frustrated at the beginning of the week because memorizing is not my cup of tea.  I fasted about it and things are coming together and the spirit just spits things out of my mouth in lessons where I’m just like okay I guess I did memorize this! It’s hard some because some people that we are about to begin teaching are in finals right now so it’s hard to find the time to meet with them.  I cannot wait for exams to be over and getting these investigators progressing!
A less active girl who we are meeting with on Tuesday is actually the MVP on Nakitas basketball team!! Yes Nakita Newman, so she gave me Nakita’s number and I’m going to call her today!
There are sooo many people that truly have been prepared for sis huppe and I.  I feel so blessed, there’s lots of work to be done, and seeds to be planted for those that aren’t ready. And I’m going to do everything I can to help these people come to know for themselves the truth of the BOM, the gospel, Joseph Smith and how we do in fact have prophets and apostles on the earth today.
I have learnt to have faith in myself this week and in the lord because he truly can lift us beyond what were capable of, it’s amazing. There’s times where I’m like kay there’s no way I can do this I am not capable, smart enough! But those feelings are the adversary trying to slow down the work of building gods kingdom. When you remove all thoughts of fear to faith and allow the lord to lessen the load all things are possible. I love serving every day, and it brings happiness that I never have felt. I know this is Gods gospel, Christ church. I know that there is no other way to everlasting joy than through god. I love testifying to people these things and when they act like I don’t know what I’m saying ... I’m just like listen I lived as you have lived and nothings compare to the joy from Christ’s gospel. Sis Huppe and I are quite bold, but being sisters and just smiling all cute you really can get people to listen to you a lot longer than they would, I love it! haha.
We put up posters around the university campus about conference and bible videos! We’re going to do posters to and maybe set up a booth at campus. There are a lot of catholics here, but also a ton of foreigners that are so humble. I have learnt also to trust sharing the gospel and the spirit that is felt with sharing it, to not be afraid. Watching the members here, they are all so ready to help in missionary work, it really is inspiring. Being a missionary I definitely come to realize that I’m going to be a way different member at home in a ward, like when I get home I’m not going to move out of highlands ward because it’s a crappy ward. I’m going to stay there because it needs strong members and build the ward family up! Share the gospel!!
Anyway I’m going to send back my shoes, iPod, maybe pictures cause I’ll try to send pictures now,  just takes so long!.
Anyway there’s so many more stories o wait I’ll share one more haha, it was such a tender mercy! So wednesday sis huppee and I were walking (we spent 16hrs this week walking, contacting ppl) And the wind was like smacking our faces with cold air, it was ridiculous but I was like singing hymns in my head to get me through it and thinking of the saints in Joseph Smith time walking through the snow and icy water and was like "okay this is nothing I can do this!"  We were like lets go knock in that apartment building! So we got in there somehow and started knocking, talked to one guy he was nice. And then the apartment manager came and yelled at us and was like GET OUT no selling, and I was like we’re not selling sir. He was mad and not only demanded we get out but escorted us out.... so I was kind of like okay bit much, kind of funny I apologized etc. but sis huppe was about to cry. But in all fairness it was a hard day and then there was the cherry on top! So we continued to knock on upper Queens St. and that’s when we met the Viennese family! They were honestly just ready waiting for the gospel. So after we were like THE GOSPE L IS TRUE EVERYBODY the lord knows us!
Anyway, sorry if my email seems so one-sided and not about everyone at home.  I really do love you guys so much and love hearing from you! Dad keep up the work with the bunk beds you’re a great example of someone that knows hard work and doesn’t give up. Mom I love you and don’t feel worried about me with Millie and Millie will be happy with that family.  It’s the most selfless thing you could do, it’s like a mother giving a baby up for adoption that can’t take care of her takes a lot of love for that baby to give up if you know you can’t give it the best life haha. Linds I love xoxox gossip girl kills me every time! And Taren thanks for the email I love hearing from you and I can’t wait to see your baby I wish I could be there helping with your cribs and stuff. And is Kamry ready to pop now or what? So I will be expecting baby pictures next email day? Blake thanks for the advice for mish. Although he didn’t answer my question about how long his weekly planning took? And has my phone been sold yet at all? Hope all is well with the Heavenors! I pray for you all. Love you guys!!!
Love sister Pizzey :) xoxo

Pics - Charlottetown, beautiful place! - April 8, 2013

 The homes are modest and humble!

Paige and her companion/trainer
 Sister Huppe!


 Paige and her district in the MTC!

Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1, 2013 (Charlottetown, PEI)

Okay I’m going to start with the Questions first! Also I am allowed to email whoever, so post on my facebook that! But doesn’t mean I can promise I will be replying haha to everyone... 
How did you feel about going to PEI?
I feel soooo blessed to be in PEI. EVERYONE, I can vouch, that the Lord is mindful and TRULY knows us ... because I have been placed in a brand new apartment with all mint new furniture new mattress, couch , desk, linens, kitchen wares everything ! Ha-ha So yea the Lord does in fact know me and knows how to ease me into missionary life.  Also Sister Huppe and I opened up the Charlotte Town mission (new area), so we are the first sister missionaries in this mission which means NO area book, nothing, starting from scratch. There have been Elders here serving so our DL(district leader)  Elder Gross and a greeny like me Elder Bodine are here serving in same ward, we have Charlotte town and they have Stratford and Cornwall. But the ward is awesome the members are amazing and are all sooo stoked for sister missionaries. They say they have been waiting and praying for sisters! They will say that right in front of the elders so were just like thank you, but awkward, for the elders haha.  But seriously the members of this ward are built upon such steady strong rm dads. Our Branch council (it’s a ward/branch 200 members 105 active members) but anyway the ward council was honestly like the "cheesy mtc skit" that is shown before we go out, on how ward councils should go, but ours actually does run that way and I feel really blessed to be a part of a ward that’s so eager and willing to partake in missionary efforts of their community. So everyone at home help out in that area of your ward, with referrals don’t be scared to spread the gospel have faith in the gospel and the spirit that it will soften the hearts and bless the lives of your friend. And don’t let me forget to mention that the Sunday after general conference we have stake conference and a general authority will be there and oh yes let me not forgot to say it will be ELDER JEFFREY HOLLAND yea ! I can’t wait, I will get to meet him with my tag on and all!
Accommodations are you in your own place or do you live with members?
We are in an apartment address is: 515 Queen's St. Apartment 25. Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 8B3
Is your coat warm enough? (I know silly, just curious)
Yes my coat is warm enough, I was worried and if I would have gone to Newfoundland where it’s still snowing lots ... info for Blake and Linds, I would of been screwed but it’s like spring weather here already!
Where did Sister Keeler go?
Sister keeler is out in no man’s land of Newfoundland in Bayroberts so Blake and Linds you should def try to find her, she would love to meet you! And also my President Leavitt would like to meet you!
Are you serving in a ward or branch? I think ward.
Has there been much missionary work happening in the area?
Yes, there are people who could care less about hearing about the Gospel.  But the area I’m serving is an up and coming place, lots of success lately and I have a crazy story to tell you guys already that happened my 2nd day out!
How is your trainer, Sister Huppe?
She is from Seattle and I’m her last transfer before she goes home in 6 weeks, she served with Alana Winters cousin. We are way different she’s really quiet and has the typical sister missionary approaches of things, but I feel it’s a good thing. Are differences balance each other out nicely and I am able to learn a lot from her cause she knows her stuff hands down! She has great things to say, and I like to be more real and personal with the investigator or ppl we teach.  I make an effort to really make it personal to them. Each day we’re getting closer and closer together like now we talk about things other than just gospel stuff and we laugh now haha, but I can tell she’s great and we were put together for a reason.  For me to learn from her and her to learn as well and to absolutely kill it for her last transfer and my first one. She talks to absolutely everyone we come across, which for me at first was an adjustment to get myself out of the comfort zone. But truly have had testimony builders and now I’m just eager and willing to share my testimony to everyone we come across.  It was way scary at first though. Important thing is to be bold and confident.
What day is your P-day, assuming Monday?
Did you get my package? Not much, just a few treats!
YES! I loved it you’re the best mom love you, and I have the lil Easter thing hanging on our door.
Do you walk or have a car?
Walking right now, it sucks but we manage.  We are going to ask for bikes and the elders have helped us get around a little.  

Okay so here is for the really cool experience sister Huppe and I had.
We were calling la's (less actives) on the ward list and we had it in our favor since were both new so we would say were new to the area wanting to get to know everyone in the ward asking if we could stop by which lead to us getting some appointments with less actives.  So doing that for a while, we were calling la named Susan but it went to a man named Larry and we realized that it was the wrong number, but instead of hanging up we continued talking to him (phone on speaker) explaining who we are, asking him what his beliefs are if he believes in God etc, so we found out Larry reads the Bible everyday he’s been here for two years taking business at the university and he is from Nigeria so we told him the message we have and if we could come by and share it with him.  Larry was like well I don’t have time right now, could we do it over the phone.  Sister Huppe and I just looked at each other in shock and are like ummm yea!  So we ended up teaching him the whole first lesson, on the Restoration.  I pulled out the Bible and we read from Ephesians 4:5 with him and James 1 :5, then we read parts from Joseph Smith history with him all over the phone. Then we ask him how he's feeling, we explain to him that this is the Spirit - the Spirit was so strong like goose bumps all over my body I’m saying! So we pray with him over the phone, and he was like I know this is true, so we ask him to come to church and he was like well I already go to church why does it matter if it’s yours. So we explained how the spirit was speaking truth to him, the importance of our church (not that his church is wrong) it’s just that ours has the authority from God through the priesthood etc, so we then asked how about next week you come to church? And Larry was just like no I’ll just come this Sunday! (This was about hour phone convo) And then we asked him to read the BOM and he said yes gave us his address, so we dropped off the BOM at Larry's house that day which highlighted parts for him to read.  We left it in a envelope in the mailbox b/c he has roommates and he didn’t want them getting into it, so this was on Friday. Then on Sunday we arrive at church and who do we see there a young black guy whose like 21, who is sitting waiting for sacrament to start, and Brother Biggly already fellowshipping him so awesome! So we go introduce ourselves and it is infact Larry! Larry ended up staying for all 3 meetings; he said he felt good the whole time.  Sis Huppe and I were nervous because of course lessons were on priesthood only being male authority for sunday school and tithing and budgeting for priesthood. But Larry stayed the whole time, after we talked with him, he said he has started the BOM and we talked about how the lord is mindful of him and how it wasn’t a fluke we accidently called him.  It was heavenly father preparing him and he was aware this is what he needs and wants him to have.  Larry is aware of that and said it feels really good to know that God looks out for us. We are meeting with him on Friday again, and he said he will come back to church next Sunday!
That right there just showed me the importance of talking to everyone! Sister Huppe was the one that chose to not hang up when we found out Larry wasn’t Susan.  I’m soo happy she didn’t because Larry wouldn’t of been able to know of the blessings that are in store for him. So after that I was just like WOW okay ill talk to anyone and everyone under the sun!

So the first night we arrived we had been up since 3 am (MTC).  President Leavitt is hilarious and I love him, I feel so comfortable being myself and speaking with him. Our interview went awesome which ended at 2 am might I add, so Wednesdays the next day we all got up at 630am, went to the temple and he allowed us to have a nap after breakfast before the temple cause we had 3 hrs of sleep! We also arrived an hour later than expected into Halifax,  so ya called for long day

I was so exhausted first week here- still am but each day more and more awake.  It took awhile to get use to waking up 3 hrs earlier because of time here, but as a missionary you literally have no time, I have learnt that planning is KEY and takes long, and by the time I rest my head on the pillow I literally pass out! I have also learnt that being obedient and doing all that is asked of you is not enough it’s about completely submitting my mind and heart to the will of the Lord is how to find happiness, enjoyment, and success as a missionary. I have figured that out this week and it has made serving the biggest blessing of my life and I love it.  I’m so happy I chose to serve a mission its hard work but the most rewarding work. I try my hardest to have my mind in complete harmony as the Savior would so the work is easy and have faith that I can do it without getting caught up in my own inward thoughts. I feel so blessed I love this gospel so much and everyday feel like I’m in a dream.  The happiness I have is incomparable to where I was a year ago and this is all only possible because of the atonement. The atonement is a wonderful blessing that I am soooo grateful for, because of Christ fulfilling his plan it has made things possible for myself to fulfill my plan that my Heavenly Father has sent me to do. I love you all sooo so so very much Thanks for sending the pictures of the cuties dad! And I pray for you guys every day. I love hearing from you!
Love sister Pizzey! xoxox

April 1, 2013 (Pictures)

  Sister Keeler, her companion and teacher                                                     

           Paige's district at the MTC!
Sister Pizzey and Sister Keeler!  
Great Friends!