Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30, 2014 - Pics

Crazy as Ever!!

BED BUGGSS!!  Not a fun experience!!

Happy to be back on Bikes ...

A favorite family - Whalen Family ... missing Matt!

Some of the young women - Cole Harbour Ward!

April 31, 2014 - A week of Adventures!

Wow so this week has been amazing we got bikes! we have had some amazing powerful spirit filled lessons!!We got bed bugs and the flu!
haha yes did I say bed bugs I did... :(
Ugh so yes we have bed bugs and I just try not to think about it because it slightly makes me want to throw up, as well feel itchy all over... last night we slept on these little pads, with a thin sheet because it was the only clean sheets we have, and we just shivered all night.  I woke up every hour hoping it was 6 am so I could just be done with a terrifying sleep haha that is a little exaggerated but not really.  I woke up with a hive on my FACE. So ever since Sis Keeler and I have been here, she has been getting these bites and she assumed spider bites.  Then 3 weeks ago I started getting them, just random bite here and there on my back arm etc.  So we were in conversation with Erica yesterday and mentioned how we get spider bites and she looked at us seriously and was like no ... that is probably bed bugs they get really bad this time of year... I felt a lump in my throat gross!! So we couldn't go back to our apt till 9:15 PM last night... Elder And Sister Thatcher came over and well its not 100% positive but we are pretty sure, an exterminator is coming to our place tonight to get things figured out... in the mean time we are living in the place and yea well it is gross but I mean this is a good mission story that Sis Keeler and i will tell our grand-kids.  We got a slight feel of a foreign mission right now haha. Sleeping on hard rock pads with garbage bags over them and then one bed sheet as a blanket... ugh well its preparation day today so we shall be able to get things sorted out!
We also had the flu on Friday, I slept to 11 AM as i was up in the night... haha we had exchanges in Truro I was there with SIs C and Sis K was here with SIs M  So I was in Truro weds night to Thurs and I felt the chills and achy bones lingering I did not want it to interfere with the exchange so it was a blessing that it held it off till Friday morn.  Now we are feeling back up to par!! I think just biking in the rain and walking in rain all day Thurs increases sickness but it was worth it and everything is great now :)
So this week has been amazing!
So the other week I told Sis keeler that I felt we should ask Bishop if we could speak in church she looked at me like really?! haha but the prompting wouldn't stop going away I had the impression we should ask 4 weeks ago ignored it so 2 weeks ago I decided to ask Bishop and then boom Sis K and I both spoke yesterday! It was the joke of the ward yesterday the Bishopric started as its not so often that we get people to ask to speak but we have the sisters doing so today... then Sis K spoke first and threw me under the bus haha and was like well Sis Pizzey felt "inspired" so that is why I am here... it was a funny good joke. so the ward is doing something where they assign a Bible video and you are to speak on a principle that you feel inspired to from the video. So we all 3 speakers had the widows mite Bible video; Sis K and I decided not to tell one another what we were speaking on because we both did not want to change our topic haha. it ended up being really good though! Alot of people came up and told us they enjoyed our talks. I was able to share few jokes get the crowd laughing shared why I am called Sister Pushy haha... but it was great and I would say our talks were quite bold. It was a great opportunity to share with the ward a few things we felt inspired to. I focused on how we can be like the rich men the bible video and be obedient to the commandment and not sacrifice in recognizing people like the widows mite in serving them fellow-shipping and basically lifting the hands that hang down. Gave examples on how before I left on my mission and came back to church I switched wards because I felt I needed to be in a better ward... but how I should of stayed and made it better or how every Sunday I would sit with the same people... and how that isn't a bad thing I mean I am attending church keeping my covenants but that is technically like the rich men I should step out of my comfort-zone and sit by someone who needs strengthening and encouraging and support. All just taking thought to stretch ourselves what ever the circumstances may be. It was a good intro as well shared how I would of laughed to hear myself be on a mission 3 years ago, how my brothers choosing to be a obedient bold missionary influenced me dramatically and that is the way i choose to be I follow his example at the end I encouraged all the YM & YW to serve missions because they bless not only their lives and the people they serve lives but most importantly their families lives in ways they have no control over! It was great!!
So yes we got bikes!! I love it!! It was sad to get sick on Friday because we couldn't bike around, we were little weak and shaky so we drove Clifford the van... but by sat afternoon we were out and ready to go! Bikes seriously are a key to a successful area, we get to meet and talk to so many people and as well gets you in such a better mood into the day to day work of being a missionary!!
Sis keeler loves the bikes as it is her first area on bikes!
So we have been having some crazy powerful lessons with Matt Whalen !! He is getting baptised!! he as already asked Pres Kidd to baptize him!  He will be home this Thurs we have been teaching him over skype and we actually had a lesson over skype with Brandon who is a recent convert so Matt is set to go! Who knows maybe it will be this week! Erica and her mom Kim are doing great! They all came to church yesterday with Isaac and Keagan! It was funny Erica pulled a prank on us that she wasn’t able to come to church and we were so upset! We were like really Erica?!? Like we are speaking!! It is funny though because being a missionary is really training us for parenting because we just texted her a calm cool collect text saying okay giving her her agency when really I wanted to call her and drag her to church haha but she came and it was a joke and it was rejoicing to see them walk into the church as we were greeting everyone! Erica sent the nicest text to us yesterday here it is ... "Thank you sister for continuing to bring happiness into our home. I am so grateful for this gospel and I am so thankful you never gave up on me. It truly is amazing when you read and pray the amazing feeling I get in my heart. I just feel at peace.... I just wanted to say thank you.``
Pamela is doing awesome as well!! She came to church she sent us the most amazing text this week as well I would like to send to ya'll. "
"Wow... was I ever feasting upon what I read today.. 3 times I was brought to tears reading 1 Nephi17.. i have no idea why i cried...i guess just the power. My sister just called and I actually asked her if i can let her go so i can read my bible:) more good news i talked to my grandmother about me being baptised she 100% supports me shes coming to my baptism and wants to go to church with me the next day... i am very happy i am crying. and its all because of Florence, Nigel, Roberto, you girls the church and most importantly my heavenly father``  ..
Like WOWOWO!!!!
As I read these my heart is so fulll.... through missionary service we truly get blessed 10 fold!! She has already set out her program for her baptism it is May 10th at 3:30 PM so the day she gets confirmed will be her birthday & mothers day.... which is the day I can talk to you all and tell you about how amazing it was! She also is moving to Calgary in June to meet her husband as he as been living there with their other son Shawn.  Whe was upset when she shared the news because she is sad to leave Nova Scotia but Sis Keeler and I just smiled and ensured here that "Pam that means we are going to be closer to you! We can come visit you all the time... and go to the Calgary temple together it will be great!!" She was soo relieved and felt at peace about everything! It was great because I feel she will be fellow-shipped and retained very well in Calgary!
What a blessing to be teaching such amazing people!
My exchange with Sis C in Truro was great she is very humble hard working missionary! She just wants to be better ...
I love this work
I love being a missionary
I love the gospel of Jesus Christ!
I absolutely LOVE the Book of Mormon!! It is amazing!!
Sis keeler and I are so close we really will be friends for our whole lives. We treat one another like family it is great but it is also training us in becoming better family members, wives, mothers because there are some moments where we mainly me haha can be impatient short in moments of stress or tiredness and it has been really amazing to overcome those weaknesses because I never want to be in a ``macy moment`` with my family or anyone!! I learnt this week that the Book of Mormon is what helps us overcome our natural man who is a enemy to God and has been forever and ever unless he submits himself to the atonement of Christ... meek humble, patient full of love willing to submit all things Mosiah 3:19.
I was pondering this week at how I can become a better person and a better companion and I had a answer come to me... ``that the Book of Mormon must be a priority for my whole life!`That I simply cannot go a day with out reading it for at least 25 minutes. Some days especially during the week we have visits etc with the sisters its easy to ready 5 verses or just 1 verse in the BOM as we get caught up in all our other things to study and prepare... but I realzied that 2 years ago when I feasted on the BOM of daily I was glowing just so happy in the glory of Christ and it completed replaced my natural man tenancies which is impatience and as I have committed to make it a priority to feast on the BOM for 25 mins daily since then the blessings that come is my strengths our magnified and I am just happy and patient consistently!! It is great!!
I know I will do this for the rest of my life it is a priority and if I choose not to I am simply choosing to fall in to my own natural man tenancies. I swear I will there is no exception no excuses I will do it even the day I go in labor ;) haha but seriously.
I want to ask you what is your natural man ways.. and see what blessings the BOM could bring in your life as you make it a priority to help you overcome your natural man ways. Because I promise you it will bring strength beyond your own. The book of Mormon is literally a silver platter that is holding blessings for you to feast on! and I love it!

This week as well i encourage you to not sit in your usual seat at church with the usual people you sit with... look to reach out to someone who is in need... look to serve the missionaries and those they teach because it makes such a difference in the work of salvation i promise you that!! Church is to put God first and if God is first he will inspire us to serve others. Church is not for a social reason.
I love you all hope you have a great week! And mom I am praying your back gets better it makes me sad to hear it is hurting alot !! :s
I love you so much you guys are the best parents ever!
Sister Pizzey!

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014
This video is amazing. This week has been amazing! This weekend has been amazing! One of the best of my life! The memories that are coming from my mission are ones I will remember for the eternities! I have had so many amazing experiences my heart is warm and full of love, appreciation and gratitude for everything my Savoir has done for me and for ALL of us!! 
This video is the best way that I can share with you my thoughts and feelings but as well I am going to write you about this amazing week! 
For the first time every I feel I have come to understand the true meaning of Easter. Christmas and Easter on my mission are ones never to be forgotten. I don't even know what my Easter was like in PEI last year... but this year I feel I celebrated it remembering and coming to a greater appreciation for Jesus Christ ... He is way to happiness, He is the light, everything good comes from Him.  My heart is just so full it truly brings me to tears pondering how without the Savor Jesus Christ and everything He has done for me I would not be anywhere close to here, all of these miracles in my life would cease to exist.  If it weren't for Jesus Christ we could never change, we could never overcome our sins and be forgiven. This week was amazing.
Last night we we had the BYU Idaho Sinfonetta here, as they are travelling and touring our mission and performing-a great missionary event! There was a concert Sat night at the Rebecca Cohn theatre in Halifax but last night they had a concert in our church in Cole Harbour for Easter.  It was amazing, there was a choir from all the wards and some missionaries were in it. Yesterday it was just the highlight of my mission sitting in the concert listening to this beautiful orchestra, the choir singing praises about our Lord our Redeemer! It really was a reunion!! All my old companions were there Sis Thompson, Sis Aslett, Jordan Comeau (convert-baptized in Kentville) was in the choir.  I had Erica sitting to my left, and Fergus (new Chinese investigator we picked up that day!) sitting to my right, and Betty sitting infront of us, highlight of my night was standing up and singing " He is Risen" and Fergus (Chinese gator) belting it out loud this song he never has song about His Savoir Jesus Christ, and me belting out ... looking around at my convert Jordan in the choir, looking around at the other two gators there, then Sis Keeler, SIs Aslett and Sis Thompson, all the other amazing missionaries I have grown to love and served around, all the members I Had grown quite close with in Kentville ward were there.... it was amazing!!!  All of this in my life would not be here if it were not for Jesus Christ! Oh my goodness like WOW I am just so blessed! like why me?! We are all so indebted to Him!! And I don't say these things to rejoice in my self I rejoice in the glory of my God and all He has done for me, it is a miracle and never in my life could I comprehend that this type of joy exists! Like a rejoicing moment like this is what the celestial kingdom will be, all us brothers and sisters singing rejoicing with one another as we praise our God and return to Him. This is what life is about and nothing else matters! The Gospel is true this is the Lords work not mine. I Know He Lives He Is The Christ! 
This week was amazing we had zone training, we had great lessons with Pam she is still on board for May 10! We picked up 4 new investigators and were busy handing out as many invites as we could to this BYU concert. We were able to talk to many people this week but let me tell you about the highlights of this week!
The Whalen family!! And Mom, Matt and Erica I taught them in Kentville ... they moved then I got transferred.  So we have been seeing miracles with the Whalen's!! That is another thing never in my life would I think I would be blessed to take part in teaching such an amazing family... and really its not me or Sis Keeler teaching it truly has been the Spirit.  When Sis T and I taught them in the valley, recently we took a break from teaching them for about two months here in Cole Harbour and during those two months Heavenly Father has been answering the prayers of many missionaries.  So two weeks ago Matt committed to read the BOM daily, because he knew this gospel was what their family needs but he just needed an answer that this is true. As well Sis keeler and I began teaching them again we noticed how when we taught them their questions were great and we could quickly shoot back an answer but it was a very logical approach and wasn't by the Spirit our teaching was a from our minds.... and well Heavenly Father knows what they need to hear and only we can know what that is by being calm and relying on the Spirit to guide our words and direction of our lessons. So every lesson Sis K and I would plead for the spirit for the gift of discernment and plead to help us to be humble and patient and rely on the Spirit. As we have taken that approach we have seen miracles in the Whalen families lives!! It is unbelievable!! Matt is so happy, and he and Isaac will be baptized together Sis K and I are hoping for May 17!!! It is unreal!! The gospel is first for him right now it is a priority! It is amazing!! We started teaching Erica's mom yesterday as well!! Looking back at everything I know this was totally Gods plan, ... Ahh I could go on for hours! But we are teaching Erica at home, Matt over skype, and her mother Kim and the elders of teaching Isaac! Are lessons are amazing with them! So spiritual! Every time we leave Sis keeler and I are just on a cloud and are like how?!? did this happen!?!? We are so blessed!!  This is an amazing Family!!
This week we drove a sister missionary to the airport who actually came out just a week ago.  She was home sick and went home... crazy and very sad I couldn't imagine leaving behind all the experiences and learning a mission has. Sad to see ... 
OKAY so yesterday haha sooo funny let me tell you the story what happened yesterday... so we taught Erica in the morning before church, and she invited us for Easter dinner that night and we were like ok! Awesome Easter dinner with the best family ever that we are teaching! So we go to church and Sis Belford is not there so literally the minute after church we  zoom out of the church to go see Sis Belford.  As we are walking on our way to her house we bump into this Chinese guy we invite him to learn and turn back around to head to the church to teach him! We had great first lesson with him, he actually lives in Halifax but decided randomly to take the bus that day to go to Cole Harbour and walk around Cole Harbour and BOOM he meets us right then and there in front of them temple and we teach him about the true and real reason for the season of Easter! So he is hilarious I love teaching Chinese people, takes me back to fond memories of teaching Chinese people!! haha. So he actually came to the concert that night, he is pretty great we have faith he will be baptised it is perfect because he will be attending the YSA ward in Halifax and they actually just started a chinese gospel principles class because there are alot of new Chinese members!! So on Tues we will be teaching Fergus again at the Halifax church this time where we will pass him over to Elders Prince and Evanson as they are the elders in his area! Such a tender mercy of the day!! So after the lesson we hop back on our journey to Sis Belfords and we get up to her apartment at 4 PM to see how she is doing and why she wasn't there.... as she opened the door, little did we know she did not come to church because she was busy laboring this fancy turckey dinner for us!! We did not know but she was expecting us for 5PM but we had a dinner with Erica already planned.  We did not have the heart to tell her that so we just acted like we arrived for "dinner" but really it was a blessing that we whipped on over to her house to check up on her for not coming to church haha oopsie! So sis keeler and I looked at one another and were like "oh boy this will be rough lets gear up!" So we ate quickly as SiS belfords left her a spiritual message and left in enough time to get to Erica's for a 2nd Easter dinner haha yikes.... so yes dad we did get fed quite well! but truly was hilarious and a memory Sis Keeler and I will have forever we both were smirking at both dinners haha!! 
This week was amazing we are seeing miracles here! The elders are having a baptism this Weds for a part-member family, it is a miracle Brandon is being baptised.  Just like a Matt story the gospel has changed Brandon.  He has be resisting the gospel for 6 years and he said that the reason why he is now is because before he was resisting the answer, but he finally let the wall down and he is a complete different person soooo happy!! The gospel changes lives!! Brandon is 24 a real "cool" guy ... The elders and sisters in the Cole harbour ward are seeing miracles! And we have faith that as we work right obedient and seek for the Spirit in all aspects the Lords work will continue to go forward!!
Lesson I learnt this week is never be complacent always seek strive for the Spirit... in all aspects of life, stop and ask yourself is this being conducive to the spirit? Because the Spirit will teach us all things we need to know. As members we can be casual with the spirit and just seeing the fire in Matt and Brandon they have a firmer belief and understanding of the gospel than most members do and that is because they are feasting and thriving for the spirit in their lives. It was like when I first came back to church, but when we are smooth sailing we forgot to continue to press froward and feast on the truths that can be manifested through the spirit... it is my fear for those who have never had to stand up for the testimony or never had it tried that they will miss out on the amazing blessings of drastic changes in their life and stepping out of their comfort zone because that is what the atonement is for and this life it for continual progression as the spirit prompts us!! 3 Nephi 12:6. 
It is my prayer for you that you will seek and strive to have the Spirit guide you this week and see miracles in your own lives as well in your own unique ways!
I love you all thanks for the support!
Love Sister Pizzey :)

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014 - Pictures

Paige welcomes Elder Keaton Gibb to his mission!

Paige with her companion Sister Keeler, last companion Sister Aslett and others!

Leadership Training 
Sister Keeler and Sister Pizzey loving the beautiful world in Cole Harbour!

April 14, 2014

Okay so I am going to write a very quick letter! As we don't have much time but it has been a very great week!! I am loving serving here.
Alot of great things have happened and I am going to do my best at explaining it all!!
We have some amazing spiritual lessons this week!!
First off all.... haha MY BLOG... so a new sister missionary came here and I was paired up with her Weds night to street contact because Sis Keeler and I went to the mission office where we greeted all the new missionaries, then went downtown Halifax to work with them... and YES I saw Elder Gibb he is great definitely top shelf of his group. He will be a huge asset to this mission I can already tell def leadership skill there! But Sis Erickson and I were with one another and before she came out she totally has been reading my blog!! haha crazy! And then get this... so as you know we began teaching (Investigator couple) .... and side note I just know I am here to be teaching them!! But (couple) came across my blog and so they have been reading my novel of a blog!! haha like what the heck!? My investigators have been reading about me talking about them and my end of it hahah awkward but I think and hope it was strengthening for them to read they seemed to be very touched by and and enjoy it!!
Also I got my own personal facebook account this week! They are slowly allowing sisters to have it, Sis K and I are with the first 6 sisters of the mission to have one! It is amazing!! I am allowed to add everyone from my past areas that I have met... it is for missionary purposes only and we have it set up where we don't see any info of our friends news feed. It is so helpful in getting a hold of people and setting up appointments but also re-lighting peoples interest in the gospel people we have taught former gators or LAs, it was amazing to add the converts and ppl from Charlottetown ect.  When we make posts it is to inspire and spread gospel messages to others - for them to see on their news feed ...! So NO you can not add me! I will not add you! hehe Sister Huppe as already requested to be friends but I won't accept :)
So this week wow we have had amazing lessons with (investigator) it is amazing to see how the Lord has been softening and preparing his heart to accept the gospel. He is a great guy and I know he was a valient spirit in the pre existence and I feel so strongly that he will be a huge asset to the church when he is a member, totally elders quorm pres material. So we had a great lesson with (investiator couple and mother/inlaw) Monday night.    We decided to set up a  appointment to come back the next night with Pres Kidd so he could receive a priesthood blessing. Pres Kidd has been a member for 15 years joined when he was 35.  It was one of the most Spiritual lessons of my mission!! ( I know I say that alot!) The monday night before I new this lesson for the next would be soo crucial for (investigator’s) progression that as soon as we got out I looked at Sis K and said we are fasting so that nothing will get in the way of this lesson! We both felt very strongly that we needed too so nothing would get in the way from Satan tempting them to cancel the lesson etc.
So we came in and we taught him, I don't even remember what we taught but it was amazing, the Spirit directed all of our words which lead to and prepared (investigator) and Pres Kidd for the priesthood blessing. It was amazing, (investigator) felt the spirit so strong he said, he felt warm and just really great like fantastic! He laughed and was just like wow I can't believe I am saying this but it is true i feel great! Pres Kidd was able to point out that he would not experience these feelings if the gospel wasn't true and hadn't been restored.  At the end of the lesson I felt prompted to testify and say something along the lines "that if this gospel weren't true I would not have met you on my mission in Kentville, you would not have just moved there i know it was apart of gods plan for me to teach you, and now for me to be serving here teaching you (I was very emotional it was intense.  The spirit was so strong!)  I told them we fasted because we know this lesson was so important and we did not want anything to get in the way of it happening.. I said something not exactly but like, “I know that if I feel so strongly about you two and have such a strong desire for you to have the blessings of the gospel in your life, I can not imagine how much Heavenly Father feels. It was a tear dripper and we all just felt the spirit so strongly!
It was a powerful lesson.
We had a powerful lesson with a new investigator we taught with the elders.  Sis K and I found him a month ago he was busy in playoffs with his kids but this past week he texted us and said they got gold and we set up a appointment.  We had planned to pass him over to the elders but after the lesson we all felt we should continue teaching him. It was interesting teaching with the elders because one elder taught the whole thing the other said nothing. Sis keeler and I teach very unified with one another, it really is a blessing and unique. We can just walk into a lesson and both feed off one another but teach in a way that grabs the investigators attention and allows the Spirit to witness truth. We told the elders we wanted to observe them teaching to learn but we ended up jumping in and answering questions ... the Spirit was so strong for the both of us and prompting us and it really resonated with (Investigator). He is a single dad and hockey coach that is very involved with his children, it was amazing lesson and we look forward to teaching him again. We could tell he felt the Spirit as we testified and he wanted to learn more.
It was great being able to take the new sisters out, the sister I was paired up with use to be semi less active and was nervous about not knowing enough. I was able to be like okay sister you don't even know!? I did tell her of all the things I did not know before I got to the mtc, ha.  I was able to ensure her that as she did everything in regards to obedience and feasting on the scriptures, the Lord would qualify her and she would see the enabling power of the atonement.  It truly is a miracle I can teaching using the scriptures.  All 4 new sisters were from Utah ... and one seemed quite surprised about life outside of Utah, ha.
I love being a missionary sorry for the short letter. It was a great week! But we are going to go meet with the institute teacher here right now who is amazing and we are going to ask him some questions and have one on one teaching experience. Last time we met with him for 10 mintues he blew our minds away!
I love the gospel! I love feasting on the scriptures! 3 Nephi 12:6
Truly being consecrated to the gospel is like running up a escalator that is moving down, that is because satan will do whatever to water down our spiritual experiences and desire to do the Lords work! But being a disciple of Jesus Christ requires daily commitment but divine guidance! I love it and I know it to be true! If this church weren't true none of these experiences would be happening on my mission, I would not be changed and cleansed through the atonement of Christ!
Thinking of who I was seems like a movie another life, I am a complete new person through Christ! Mosiah 3:19
I would love to encourage all to feast on Christ words, don't hold back and step away from the world. There is a special spirit that can only be in our lives when we take part in the front lines of missionary work... So share the gospel and allow the spirit to direct and inspire you as to whom you shall share it with!!
I love you all very much ! Have a great blessed week!!
Sister Pizzey

April 7, 2014 - Staying in "Cool Harbor!!"

sooooo drum roll please...... Sister Keeler and I will be with another for a 3rd transfer in Cole Harbour!!!!! Which means alot of things but one of them being that you family will meet Sister keeler over skype in May... yes we are beyond excited! I am in shock! I honestly don't know what I have done to be so blessed on my mission, to serving in the area, with Sister Keeler so close to President Leavitt, with the great group of people we are teaching, serving 2 minutes away from the temple, having the blessing of being a sister training leader... like WOW everyday I am just in "awwwhh" at how much of a blessing this is!! 3 TRANSFERS she will probably be one of my longest companions as all of my companions have been 2 transfers!! Sister Aslett is now serving in Halifax btw! Sis Curtis is (sister in New Glasgow been out two transfers) Is being transferred to Sackville with Sister Thompson! and Sis Burton will stay in New Glasgow training a new sister!
Okay so General Conference this weekend?!? WOW. It was amazing!!! I was so excited and felt the Spirit so strongly. The Sunday morning session was just WOW amazing ...
So many things have happened it truly has been a week of learning and progression! We had mission leadership training all day Tuesday and Weds morning till 11 am then all 26 missionaries of mission leadership council and the remaining metro missionaries went to the temple session. Sister Keeler and I learnt so much from mission leadership training, it really was a humbling experience. All 26 missionaries, the leaders of the mission met with one another and we learned from one another, as President Leavitt and the assistants trained us... I felt more like I was just learning from them it was amazing and quite humbling.  I had a moment when we are all sitting in the room waiting for the training to begin in Pres Leavitt's house & I was just like Wow, like how did i get here? Never would I think I would be so blessed in my life to be among such amazing people learning from them. It was one of those moments where I just kind of felt inadequate but very blessed.
So I feel with General Conference and the things I learnt in mission leadership training I would like to focus on that this letter and then if and when I have time near the end I will give ya'll the grand update of things here in the "Cool Harbour" area!
So for 1) in mission leadership training I just wanted to begin at how amazing President Leavitt is. So we show up to the training and I have a man voice/no voice because of my cough and I was drugged up on medicine, so that morning I had Elder Amaya and Steed give me a blessing... I was fine but the cold was annoying and I really did not want it to get in the way of being able to be engaged in the leadership training and the work etc. So I come into the training like "woahs me in my head for being sick".  President Leavitt is training us and so outward we never would think anything was wrong with him. The training was amazing it was alot about our accountability to the Lord and how we need to realize that we account to Him at night, we are working for President leavitt for the approval from the leaders in the mission or any one else for that matter how we are to account to the Lord and ask if what we have done or going to do is pleasing to Him. We also were talking about our vision as leaders, so we as a group formulated our vision, we would break up in groups and talk about it and so forth, so the vision for us as leaders is:
"As faith-filled hard working & obedient leaders we will humbly teach those we lead how to baptise & reactivate the lost sheep of the house of Israel, we will inspire them to feel accountable to the Lord in their results."
So we talked about that, we talked about how obedience is 100% that the white hand book is the Law of Moses.
It was truly amazing though because during the training when we split up and came back.  President Leavitt came back it was after 5, close to dinner and he looked off, his skin color was greeny gray, and as he was speaking his voice and jaw were shaking.  At this point in the training the group I was in was talking about hardwork and as we were talking about hard work President Leavitt was sitting there grasping the chair, trying to maintain his shaking hands, body, (because of pain).  When he talked it was very shaky and frantic in a way, and his skin was getting greener  & white as he talked, he looked as though he put on 10 years! But he would not give up, he continued to talk in a way that was hiding it and he just so badly wanted to stay there and continue training us and strengthening us. He did not want any attention so at 5 pm we all left to Boston Pizza, President Leavitt and Sister Leavitt chose to stay behind. Little did we know President leavitt left to the hospital after we left and was in there the whole evening.  When we returned the assistants informed us and they continued with conducting the training in an amazing way. They are great missionaries!
It was quite eye opening to me; I started the training in a attitude like ugh I am sick why do I have to be sick, little did I know President Leavitt is suffering with an infection and you would never know! Until the point where he literally had to go to the hospital. So inspiring he is just so outward and does not think of anything but others and serving and doing the Lords work, President Leavitt is such an example of being accountable to the Lord and no one else.
Elder Evanson was telling Sis Keeler and I that they arrived early before the training (him and Elder Prince) to give President Leavitt a blessing they said he was in alot of pain but after the blessing President jumped up and said alright lets go to work as if nothing were wrong. He totally was just fighting off the pain and hiding it. 
So after dinner One of new assistants Elder Evanson gave a training on how we should lead as missionaries comparing it from sheep and how we want to be a loving shepherd, one who is humble and loves it sheep and not a sheep herder approach where one who directs sheep by pulling them and out of obligation.  And also how we don't want to be a sheep - one who follows the crowd does, what every one else does, has no vision or care. It was really great! I learnt so much about love and compassion this meeting, staying away from self righteousness and looking at the sisters I lead as my daughters.  Having that love for them to go above and beyond! "For without charity we are nothing"
The next morning President Leavitt was not able to be there as he was quite sick, so the assistants ran the training (mind you it was one of the assistants first week as an assistant no pressure right) and halfway through the training President walked in quietly and sat down, his face all puffy not looking good, he managed to stand up and still train us and add some words.  He managed to come to the temple whether Sister Leavitt liked it or not.  It was amazing as we all attended the temple, I was able to be the first in the celestial room so I sat down and President Leavitt was in afterwards and he walked over shook my hand all cheery smiling away, full of love never would you know he was sick.  He did not take one seat the whole time he walked from one end of the celestial room to the other greeting each elder and sister that walked in with most Christ-like love.
Little did we all know that, President Leavitt found out the next day that he has a very bad blood infection and spent all day Saturday in the hospital and has been shaking a fever of 104 for this whole week! We are all mission wide fasting for Him today but it is crazy and please keep him in your prayers. He is such an example, I am so grateful to be in this mission. He wrote how this is not his work, we are not his missionaries, this is the Lords work and that all will go forward. He is on the up rise and getting better we are just fasting so that will move forward quicker. But I more so told you about this because I feel His example is amazing what is important to him is seeking the kingdom of God first and Christ-like service putting others first and God first. We should all follow this example!
So General Conference was absolutely amazing I would like to share with you my highlights from it!
Elder Hollands talk: WE ARE TO DEFEND THE FAITH. What Jesus would do (discipleship) will not always be a popular response. How "man is creating God in their own image" and how we are encouraged to be Strong and defend our beliefs stand for truth with courtesy and compassion!

Linda Reeves: that truly nothing else matters but 1) daily scrip. study (BOM) 2) daily family prayer 3) weekly FHE... truly family it is the Law of Moses there are no exceptions to not following it.  e must now take responsibility for our own spiritual well-being.
Neil L anderson: "The Lord has not redefined marriage it is far beyond satisfaction for adults but the ideal situation for children to be raised!" BOOM that is so true!!!  My mission has truly changed to be what marriage is for and will be like, marriage is far beyond what the World has changed it to be. It is about furthering covenants with God and responsibility, the world has truly changed marriage in a very wrong distorted way that stems from satan.
We must and will stand alone respectfully with dignity and christ-like love that the BOM is power of protection for whirlwinds of life!
Are we tied to God or something else?
Christ MUST ALWAYS be first "Striving to be disciples of Christ requires DAILY commitment, but leads to DIVINE GUIDANCE"

Richard G Scott"
Moses 1:39 is Gods vision, we are here to be like God so why should it not be our vision too?!
We must sincerely love those we serve, so they can feel confidence in Gods love.
Robert D Hales:
BE CAREFUL WHO YOU FOLLOW - When you grow in the gospel your grow in obedience ... AWAKEN TO OUR DUTY TO GOD
Claudio D Zivig:
We must continually ask if we are doers of the word!  D&C 3:1-7,13 "DO I FEAR GOD AS MUCH AS I FEAR MAN?!"
W Craig Zwick: (one of my favorite talks)
let no corrupt communication come out of thy mouth!!
disciples words should come from humble heart,
Quinton L Cook & Walkers:
Made me think of my patriarchal blessing how it talks about how I have a rich heritage of ancestors who have passed and know me and that I must persevere my heritage and share it with my children to strengthen the trails in the world that is vast in the return of the Savior!
Sunday session- Sunday morning was my fav!!
Dieter Uchtorf: Choose to develop a Spirit of Gratitude! Be thankful IN all my circumstances whatever they may be!
" We can choose to limit out gratitude or we can choose to be like Nephi, Job, mormon pioneers, Joseph Smith!".  Thank God for rain not just the rainbows!"  Gratitude heals, heart extends mind. Gratitude requires faith and trust in God!  Gratitude links all Christ-like attributes, thankful heart is the parent of all virtues!
So M Russel Ballard: (one of my favorites!!)
Gary A Stevenson:
I loved his idea of making a list to do to obtain Eternal life! siblings for your kids you should do this!!
"Run the race that ye obtain"
Our actions will determine the price of Eternal Life
David A Bednar : (my fav as well mom and dad) "it was the load to get back on the road and return to His home and family"  ask your self:" IS THE LOAD THAT I AM BEARING CREATING SUFFICIENT TRACTION SO I CAN RETURN TO MY FATHER IN HEAVEN?"
The atonement is not just for sinners it is for all to receive the enabling power of the atonement to get us to be heirs of eternal life!
I love Pres Monsons talk about charity and love as well just don't have time to write!!
The of load of missionary work, Christ-like service has gotten me personally to get the traction to be on the straight and narrow, the load of taking Christ's yoke upon me has gotten me to change, to simply open my eyes and smell the coffee and see the eternal perspective to see what is important in life.  The load of consecration to the lords kingdom has changed my life and my future generations if I only continue in progression through the atonement of Jesus Christ.
It is amazing but it is through work in the Lords Kingdom I can know God and know how to return to him.  It is through the load of forgetting serving myself and being inward and caring about worldly goods and serving others and finding myself through forgetting myself in the service of my God.
It is about forgetting my temporal gifts and seeking Spiritual treasures in heaven!
Every testimony we bear is recorded in heaven!
Let us stop wasting time in the temporary pleasures of the world in feast upon spiritual treasures!
My eyes have been so opened, I am forever changed, and it is through simple works of daily reading praying and missionary work.
I love you all and it is my prayer you will not miss out on the blessing Heavenly Father holds in store for you as you.  Step out of the world and become a disciple of Christ, continue on the path of discipleship!
It has been a great week we have picked up 5 new investigators.  (Investigator) is progressing towards baptism and is going to do family history to prepare to go to the temple after her baptism! The lords work is progressing the field is white and it is all according to our faith, trust, and gratitude that the Lords work can go forward!!
I love you all and please take Elder Ballards follow-up from conference literally and seriously it is the Lord calling you to repentance and to feast on the blessings he has in store for you through His atoning sacrifice!!
I love you all and felt it was important to share with you these thoughts!

have a great week!
Sister Pizzey!