Whooo I am sooo wiped today! We have done alot of hard work this
week but it was well payed off!
I am going to have my first nap today, I have never napped of Pday but you
know what I am doing it today ! and I cant wait! haha.
Okay so firstly; gators- when i said gators in past letters it meant
invesitaGATORS for short not a family last name...haha just to clear things
So last Pday I had to buy two pairs of spandex- hence the sportchek payment
last week so sorry! But i was sick of my skirt blowing up in a gust of wind!
A member fixed my bike for me yesterday ! which was awesome!
So Tuesday was rainy but I don't know what it is, there is something great
when being a missionary as you trudge/bike through rain, drenched with wet
clothing on your body; it certainly is character building! haha. But in all
seriousness it was amazing so fun! With good company being Sister Judd, we were
able to LOVE biking in the rain. We actually were able to meet one of our new
investigators Tuesday as we biked through the pouring rain. He is a man in his
60s and is a barber and we love him! He is awesome, it was an amazing first
lesson we had with him Thursday. let me explain...
So we were teaching the restoration and the lesson was all over the place,
we explain god is loving Heavenly Father and get to prophets and somehow he
brings up baptism and asks about that and if he needs to get re baptized from
when he was as a baby. So I pull out Matt 3 where it talks about Christ baptism
and explained how he walked all that way to be baptized by John because john
held the proper authority to baptize. We continued teaching him, he is a funny
guy and I feel and have faith he is prepared and will be fully converted. His
phone can only make calls he can’t receive, so its really hard to get a hold of
him. We leave notes on his door and then he calls us, but he has been MIA past
couple of days, and our note we left on his door from two days ago is still
there, so we’re hoping he’s still alive ... literally :/!
I dont know if I have mentioned (investigator) at all in the past he is in
his 50s. He is from Nicaragua, he has been taught since 06 on and off. He is a
former we picked up few weeks ago, he has read the BOM knows its true wants to
get baptized, but his wife and kids aren’t supportive so its a big struggle for
him. And he is trying to get them to be more understanding and okay with it. He
is legit, he says once I’m a member, I’m a member ... I’m not going to do this
for 2 years then quit, it is life long. We have been having crazy spiritual
lessons I actually teared up when testifying and so did he, im really open with
all the people we teach (when the spirit is prompting me) about how this gospel
has changed my life. And I have with (investigator) been very bold with telling
him its important to not delay the day of baptism. He knows and understands and
is full of gratitude. At the end of our lesson he wrapped his arms around and
squeezed, hugging me and my arms were down by my side and i was like
ahhhh (investigator) i cant hug!! and he was like I know but I can still hug you
haha it was funny. But we actually were able to give him a Spanish BOM this
week, its actually quite funny i don't understand why past missionaries haven't done that before. Because his Spanish is his first language so i feel that this
will help him alot!
(Reactivation member) progression ahh! amazing. Each week is huge! Sister
Judd was even like wow with the change from Monday to Sunday huge change. Its
weird cause as she is going back to church its not like how it was for me just
attending ysa on my own and having it be more personal (which was what i needed)
she has to go and attend her family ward with her mom and family with all her
church leaders. It is hard sometimes and she says it is so hard. It has
been amazing seeing the spirit help us and help her. Silence as a missionary
is your best friend that's the time where the spirit really speaks and teaches to
your investigator.
We picked up a lady (investigator) she is a mother of 16 yr old and 20 yr
old she is from Taiwan and she is a saint! We taught her at the church this
week and gave her a church tour, there is a language barrier but she was able to
understand everything lesson, just took a little longer though! The Wang family
from our ward is out of town right now; they also are from Taiwan so we can’t
wait for them to be home and help translate. Just to give you guys an idea
about how much our font is used- We gave her a tour of the church and were going
to do this spiritual experience where we show her the font and possible read
during that, so we open the font and spiders are in it! and its dirty! It was
sooo awkward but kind of funny I was just like "ahhh well this the baptismal
font... but it usually is glistening and yea!" and closed the doors and was like
alright movingon! haha . Another funny thing after that lesson she offered us a
ride if the weather was bad to go to church, so i was like ya! Because that
forsure’s that she will be attending church, so sat night i call and ask for a
ride just to ensure she will be coming! So she drops us off at the door and says
she will go park- Sis J and I being stupid go sit down in sacrament and save a
seat but can’t find her anywhere! So we were confused, did ditch us! But turns
out we called her after church and were like "Vanessa whats up?!" and she found
a seat somewhere else cause she also couldn't find us (at the beginning of church
they were ordaining people like raising hands you know) and she thought that
when everyone raised their hands it meant them saying we believe and she felt
embarrassed because she doesn't, so she thought she had to leave cause she didnt
raise her hand! We felt horrible! haha. So we learned are lesson to wait at the
door for investigators, so dumb of us! But she laughed when we explained what it
meant and wasn't offended or anything, thank goodness, she is such a
This week was great! I was able to cut Adriannes hair, we helped a LA clean
her house, we were able to get 3 people on date, and pick up another new
investigator and let me tell you about him!
So he came to church last week, and turns out he knows our ward mission
leader from church so that worked out perfectly! And we taught him with Dave
(mission leader in ward) and he came out with alot of questions. You can tell
he’s trying to understand and doing researching as well. (Little sketchy) but wasn't bad, so we addressed those concerns. He had one on the trinity and how
we see god, Jesus Christ and holy ghost as 3 separate beings. I feel he was
little skeptical but he is going to continue reading BOM. We showed him
Restoration DVD he asked to keep it we were like ummm YEA! but it was amazing at
the end he asked us how we all came to know this was true so Dave being a
convert of 1.5 yrs, he is 22 shared his and then me and that was really cool as
well. The spirit really put my conversion and thoughts into words that
explained very simply, but strongly and boldly and laid out a painted picture
of how major this gospel has changed my life, and sister Judd did an amazing job
as well! But it was sooo cool the spirit was so strong and we had like a
testimony meeting at the end and he truly was listening sincerely- and then it
was silent.... Sister J and I were loving it! And then I extended baptismal
question to him- and he was silent and was really thinking. He said well I
already have been baptized and stopped and continued thinking and we were just
staring and then after like 5 mins of silence he was like I'm going to have to
read and think about that. But it was amazing because I didn't matter that he
said yes or no - it was amazing to see him take the question seriously and to truly think and want to know and find out if this is what God wants. It was a
really cool experience.
We are beginning teaching (reactivation person’s dad) this week. He is a
former member and use to be a Branch President. It will be interesting to see
what happens but we met him outside his apt. and I was just - (well there is no
way beating around the bush) so i was just like are (name)? We are missionaries
yadda yadda yadda we know (name) quite well and we were sent to come to your
apartment to meet you and begin teaching you, would we be able to set up a time
to teach you? and well we did! (Reactivation girl’s) sister was just like "wow
your just performing miracles with our fam. aren't you!" haha it was
The other day, well yesterday actually, Sis J was biking in front of me and
my tire hit her back tire and well I went for a fall! I flipped forward but,
gracefully fell in the middle of the road (in housing area) I did the whole
tumble and roll approach it was pretty funny! I kind of just sat there in shock
like ... did this really just happen?! Sister J was dying laughing and then I
started laughing we still laugh talking about it is was pretty funny, and I
walked out with nothing bad other than a scratch!
We are doing exchanges on Tuesday and Sis Starkie (new missionary from
st.george Utah she is 19 and is awesome!) and she will be coming here in
Charlottetown with me! and We have a full day! of teaching so I think im going to
fast that day for help! haha. We are teaching the investigator who brings her
Dad, who is kind of anti. The mom said “we doing a good job laying the law
down to him and he is taking it" so that felt good i guess... haha but the
spirit will enable us to do things what we are beyond capable of doing so i have
faith and trust in that!
There are sooooo much more I would like to explain but it takes forever!
But I am having amazing memories that I will hold dear throughout my life! My
pstudys have been amazing this week! I have learned soo much, I will read like 3
or 4 verses a study sometimes but will have a page of notes on those verses and
will search for definitions and other verses supporting them its an amazing how
much of a change it brings when you really study the scriptures. Today I was
reading in Mosiah 2 and UHHHH! King Benjamin!!! what a stud! I love him and its
my goal to be exactly like him i read from 18-24 and wow his humility I mean I'm going to try my best to be a servant of the Lord like him. I love Mosiah 1:5
READ IT and i love it because it makes me thing of how much it is a blessing to
have the scriptures the knowledge and strength it is in our lives. It truly is
amazing and is easy to take for granted. And I know that without the scriptures
we do dwindle in unbelief and I have also experienced that in my life.
I love how everything we do here is preparing us for the next life D&C
130 18-19 lays that out perfectly and help me realize how i should prioritize
things in my life!
I love you all so much thanks for your emails love and support and I pray
for all of you.
Anyways thanks for your examples and prayers especially you mom and dad I
love you!!
xoxox Sister Pizzey