Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 25, 2013 (last email from the MTC)

Hello so after the letter last week I wrote it in such a frantic way that I realized I left sooooo much out so I wrote you guys a letter, it should we arriving in week maybe ? I don’t know!
Kay so I have received dear elders!!! And thanks sooo much everyone!! The ones you guys sent me last Sunday got mixed up here and I didn’t actually get them till wed. or tues.  Hence the confusion of emails!
First off I am leaving tomorrow from the mtc at 3 am to the airport we will be arriving in Hali at 9pm, so I will probably be calling you at 11 am- 12:30 pm from Minneapolis or from Toronto around 4pm?  So basically BE BY YOUR PHONES ALL DAY :).  Any whoo, Breanne LOVED the cookies thanks so much! Parents loved the package we were popping some bubbly last night in our dorm. And thanks sooo much from all the family; nana for sending me the stories about miracles in our fam to Tara writing, blake, linds , parents, alexis, others, list goes on but I must say Lindsay had the most hilarious dear elders literally it had me "lol'ing".
OKAy ahhhh so much to write ill start with answering questions then we shall go from there!

(Me, her mother will write questions at the beginning of emails and Paige will answer, ... hopefully)
Do you feel like you brought the proper clothes and things for your mission? Did we forget anything?
Yes for sure brought proper clothes and haven’t had to wear an outfit twice yet haha lots of cute outfits and suitable for trendy missionary that’s obedient and modest
Are you sleeping at night? Have you had to take melatonin?
Sleeping is good thanks to melatonin which I take EVERY night, I wake up at 430 am every night cause my body isn’t use to 8 hrs haha but fall asleep after and not tired at all
What is church like in the MTC?
Church is with our branch which is with another district and mine, its goood spirits really strong yesterday was awesome! We have to plan a 5 min talk for each Sunday cause they call an elder and sister to speak, I never got called but this week was baptism, so I was planning on speaking on mosiah 18:8-10 I LOVE that scripture cause it reminds me of the covenants I made when I was baptiszed ... but not only that it describes Christ, basically the character of Christ and just reminds me that as I’m baptized I’ve taken on the name of Christ.  Meaning to try to be an outward person and be loving, having charity for others and follow Christ’s example.
Did you get all the Dear Elders? Did others send you dear elders?
Answered above already!
What do you do on Pdays?
Today is soooo busy I’m going to write letters to my teachers and Alexis which I’ll be sending to our home address since I don’t know her address so if you could send me her address next email pls! And I’m sending Court a letter cause she sent me one here, then I have to pack, get a calling card , lots of stuff list goes on then study study study!
Alright so I wrote down questions from everyone in the dear elders so I’m going to answer by just listing the answers off! Then I’ll tell you more about my week that isn’t in answers.

I found Jordan’s (a friend who just left the MTC)  letter! It was fun to find! Classes are awesome I honestly am so blessed and love my district I feel so comfortable with talking openly about my conversion, who I was, who I am, and asking questions that I don’t understand. My teacher was totally inactive as I was till he was 17yrs he was anti, basically as well and he had a 180 as well when he came back and is way solid. So it was cool seeing how someone else was.  I they asked me a lot to speak about my conversion and stuff.  My teachers are honestly the best examples on how showing Christ like sincere love will draw others to come closer to Christ and we learn from the Holy Ghost as they did with my whole class.
 Foods good?   Like nothing horrible but nothing spectacular, I felt like a had a intestinal plug for two days though :/ as did My companion as well haha but that’s about it!
Basketball - me and Sister Keeler own, we play with the elders and literally kill it haha its awesome and we are the exact same skill level we’re basically thee perfect companions for each other, We honestly have become best friends there’s times here when I’m dying laughing with  like the "Kelly" laugh where I can’t stop laugh attack. But then we are obedient and go study in quiet areas when the classroom is loud.  She explains me doctrine - scripture I don’t understand, and we have really good TRC investigator lessons spirits so strong! We have learnt a lot from one another! I have learnt a lot on pausing for the spirit to touch the investigator to teach them, and to speak plain and simple truths, not having to over explain or complicate it, I have learnt to have faith and trust that the spirit will guide us during lessons and being bold that the spirit will touch and soften the investigators hearts. And I learned that I need to work on patience and not getting frustrated when investigators are getting it as quick as we'd like them to.
Laundry mat YES it sure has been an experience. Sure was a hectic event last week, sis keeler and I started our laundry thinking soap got added, until we realized that the load was already started and that we had to buy soap and add it in, then we thought we started another load and waited 40 mins for it to be done , only to realize 40 mins later that it wasn’t started! haha we felt like knobs it was funny, so like 3 hrs later we were finally done! I will be attending the mat today but I sure know how to get things done the right way this time in a timely matter.
And as of email last week don’t feel bad! Sis keelers fam. didn’t email her as well haha so we just experienced it together ;)
THANKS FOR ORGANZING MY STUFF MOM AND DAD you’re the best and I love you guys VERY much.
I am on the top bunk! and my suit case is on the top shelf for clothes, so next to my bed, its rather funny how little room we have but it works out to be fine!
Okay and I can’t believe about your guys weather like 60 car pileup?! WOW. haha well here it’s like spring, its snowed once but like I’d say 8 degrees like we don’t even wear coats everyday it’s pretty awesome
So I think that’s all the questions ! I hope I answered them all!

So yesterday we watched the Character of Christ by David Bednar- I believe Blake has this. The family to all take a night to watch this together in the theatre room. It is the single most amazing talk and will change your life! It is now my goal to start really studying about the Character of Christ and really getting in deep with it and finding out Christ’s character and the areas that I can change in myself to become more like Christ. I know that HF can push us beyond what we think we’re capable of doing. I know that as I pray faithfully to become more of an outward person, seeking for the happiness of others, and having love concern and compassion for everyone. To not be caught up in Worldliness or myself, and to simply find joy in service. I know this is how HF wants us all to be, and I know Christ mastered this while he lived on the earth.
But after listening to Bednars talk I was just like whoa, I need to change and set some goals in my life.
I had in field training Friday that was awesome I learned about the importance of earning the members respect, all eyes are on me as a missionary, and that my attitude determines the outcome and success of my mission, and to not question my ability as a missionary that is the adversary trying to lower my ability of being the best I can, to have faith that as I do everything I can, HF will do the rest.
I learnt a lot this week and few interesting things that I’m sure you all knew; but I had no idea and was blown away them. 
Oh yea and I saw a tutor here! That was something I really had to lower my pride on and just be like okay, so I met with a lady twice - one on one for an hour and she helped me with my reading comp. and understanding the BOM scriptures, and how to really understand the scriptures. Like we took a verse and broke in down in 12 steps and once we did that I totally took it in another way! And then she showed me the other day another 10 steps with reading and understanding. It was an awesome experience and something I’m going to use through my mission and my life!
Every Relief Society it’s all the sisters, we fill up the whole gym - like Blake where the Sunday and Tuesday night devotionals are, we have our relief society there and the whole place FULL. We have an authority for like the ladies come. And each Sunday we sing as sisters in Zion it’s amazing!!
And yesterday our district sang in sacrament and WOW it was awesome! We sang the Spirit of God but Sister Lee set it all up in the craziest arrangements we had Elder Chapman playing the violin for verse 3, then alots/sapronos /tenors basses? I don’t know the lingo but things were way different and formed beautifully while we were singing I just had goose bumps the whole time and just looked around at everyone’s faces in my district thinking how much I loved them all and was so grateful for all of them. It was our last day with our elders yesterday as they left today, I loved them all but a few of them were quite flirty haha. They were all awesome though and for our last district meeting yesterday we sang "God be with you till we meet again" it was quite funny and a memory I’ll have forever.
But yes that pic was from my teacher and me AND SISTER keeler.  Any hoo I don’t want to get logged off.
I had more time today to write, our DL allowed us!
I will talk to you guys tomorrow I love you all soooo much and pray for you every night!
SISER Pizzey xoxoxox
Have your phones with you I’ll call home, mom, dads cell!! 11am-12 or 4 pm or maybe even all!
Much love xoxoxo

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Entering the MTC - March 13, 2013 (Pictures)

Paige spends a night with Kensey before she enters the MTC (mission training center)

First email - MTC March 18, 2013

Hey so I got no mail from you guys but anyways I hope I have your emails right cause I don’t know them so I am just taking a swing at them!
This week as been sooooo amazing like happiest week of my life.  I can tell the Lord knows exactly what we need and has blessed me immensely. My companion is Sister Keeler YES Ateena Keeler from Raymond that I talked to on Facebook before! I LOVE my district and my teachers are sooooo awesome! Like seriously I feel so blessed for the experience I’ve been having at the MTC thus far. I haven’t even had time to feel homesick or think of home, and I feel with the most humble way of saying this; I came in with an advantage, because I knew I was going to learn a ton and had a ton to learn coming into the MTC.  So I had no pride of thinking I had nothing to learn if that makes sense.  It’s really awesome the way I think of things now, there so much more significant to me like the Holy Ghost WOW.  All I can say, we have been taught to completely use the Holy Ghost … to truly love our investigators so we can look at them through Christ's eyes, the Spirit is soooo strong and you teach a lesson coming from the Holy Ghost not a script!
We have had soooo many crazy spiritual experiences this week; I can tell each companionship is truly inspired from the Lord and the mission.  So my district 6 sisters, we are all going to Halifax, 5 of us sisters from Alberta and 1 from Vegas, 6 elders going to California 2 of them are going to different  missions then the rest in California. This week had been crazy and I won’t be too surprised if I come here to teach at the MTC after my mission I love it that much.  My teacher Brother Yack is a huge example of Christ like love and charity and what I want to be like.  Sister Stanstrom is our lady teacher is she is awesome as well.
The other day our lesson was on revelation through prayer and bro yack sent us to go pray truly to God for 15 mins.  So we left our companions and sis Keeler and I went to a room and it was truly the best experience yet.   …   Anyway I knew I needed that experience, I needed to be reminded of my blessings and that my experience is exactly what I want to bring to others. It was a uh Ah moment for me to realize that the timing of my coming back was on the Heavenly Fathers time, cause serving a mission is where I need to be.
Anyway when we all came back to the classroom the spirit was sooo strong we were all crying it was awesome we all shared are experiences and learned how we can receive revelation through prayer.
We have been doing fake investigator lessons our investigator is Anthony we have got him committed to pray first lesson, second lesson sis keeler and I got him to commit to baptism and reading the BOM it was awesome! Brother Yack told us that our lesson we had was the best one he seen in the MTC so far. I feel so blessed this week and am so happy I love being a missionary and couldn’t of expected my experience to be this awesome.
Sister Keeler and I get along awesome all of us 6 sisters are crammed into one room YES one room we don’t even have enough closet space haha but whatever its awesome. Sister Keeler and I make goals every night, praying for charity love and patience for ppl we serve and ppl we serve with, to be EXACT obedience cause that makes miracles, and we pray together every night we say goodnight i love you hah its awesome. There so much I want to tell but sooo little time, but I’m learning to use the spirit and really realized that Christ is the ultimate missionary that I’m striving to be like, he taught simple doctrine that were teaching now the key to teach for the Investigator is simplicity and as simple as teaching a primary kid faith in Christ and atonement, repentance, baptism, holy ghost enduring to the end and most importantly to teach with the Holy Ghost so we can feel prompted to teach directly for the needs of the investigator to speak coming from Christ. I have realized the Lord is with us through faith tiny amounts of faith.
Kay so anyway I hope that all made sense I have absolutely no time so good thing I got no email I guess haha so I can’t type this all!
But anyway I’ll explain everyone in my district
Sis Keeler: She’s a lot like me great social skills and understanding of what’s weird and not ( like me) she’s totally smart in gospel,  we balance each other out perfectly.  I can connect with ppl really well personally, I can tell what they need easily (luckily some gift ) and feel prompted to say what they need, and she can give them straight up doctrine.  I LOVE her,  best companion we hope will serve together in Hali.
Oh yea and I met an elder yesterday whose going to Halifax French speaking
Sis Lee and Sis Samberg: Sis Samberg are from BC and sis Lee from Vegas LOVE them both sis Lee is such genuine spirit and loves music, sis Samberg is so kind laid back, 19 yrs old.  Sis Olsen and sis Thompson: very suited for each other, that is why companions are soo inspired from god and we all suit each other perfectly! Sis Olsen is Ross Humphreys cousin she is crazy smart and sis Thompson is 19, young she is always telling stories,  it’s hilarious
Anyway I have min left have to go I’ll try to send pics next week love you guys and maybe write me next week.
LOVE, SISter Pizzey
Farewell Paige, We will miss you!!

 Paige becomes a missionary!!

You will be awesome!

             "Chuck e Cheese"
Good bye to Avery, Talia, Jace and Maril!
Paige will sure miss them!

Paige opening her "Mission Call" (mission destination) - Jan. 3, 2013